​Albion Bash kayak fishing

Kayak angler at Albion Bash
Photo Credit: Mike Mogler

by Mike Mogler

September 9-11, the 3rd annual Albion Bash was a success for the kayakers attending this event at Albion River Campground. This event was sponsored by Headwaters Adventure Company Redding Ca. and Headwaters Kayak Shop, Lodi Ca. with not only their respective kayak fishing teams and sea kayakers enjoying Albion.

Kayak fishing proved to be excellent with a good number of lingcod, cabezon, coppers and a few vermilion to finish off the kayak anglers fishing bags. The weather was excellent allowing the kayakers to enjoy nice marine conditions with seas cooperating, allowing for some kayakers to venture south of the Albion Cove. Personally, I netted 3 nice blue lings in the cove ranging from 29 to 34 inches and 5 smaller lings which I released. The keepers were not beasts but I’ll take them.

Kayak fishing has flourished throughout the world in the past few years as a sport, and now tournaments. For those anglers who think they would like to fish out of a kayak, stop by Headwaters Adventure Company Located at 930 Merchant St., Redding, 530-223-2411, or if you're in the Lodi area, contact Headwaters Kayak Shop 209- 224-8367 and checkout the possibilities.

Go out and have a great day and I hope to see you OTW.

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