Vehicle repair scam

by Don Stec
From time to time I warn people about scams that occur with vehicle repairs. When the economy is poor the scams become more prevalent. They also show up during the Christmas Holidays. People are more susceptible at this time of year to the needs of others and more generous to help those in need. Especially if the person is trying to earn money and not just looking for a handout. Scammers know this and often identify themselves as “out of work, looking to make ends meet until they get a job offer.” The definition of a scam is; “A Fraudulent or Deceptive Act or Operation.” It is a dishonest way to make money by deceiving people.
A listener to our radio advertising sent us this picture of his car, after a scammer told him he could fix the dent. This picture was posted in the waiting room on the victims request, with the understanding we would display it, to protect people from scams like this. It was displayed for 10-15 years then put in our album for customer viewing for many more years.
The scenario: Typically the scammer will stop you in a public parking lot and even the driveway of your home. He identifies himself as an “out of work vehicle body repairman.” He just happened to notice the dent in your car and can fix it right at your home for only about a third of the amount of an established shop. He says, he has many years’ experience and has all his own tools. Often the scammer will hammer on the dent for 30 minutes or so, then ask for an advance so they can go buy supplies to finish the repair. If the advance is large enough, you will probably not see him again.
Most of these scam repairs seem to fall in the 100 – 200 dollar category. I have seen dents filled with plaster and other unknown materials. Plaster is good for home wall repairs but totally unsuitable for vehicle bodies. But plaster is very cheap, dries fast and does have a slight appearance of vehicle body filler to the untrained eye. Dents that were just hammered on are most often not repairable, because the metal was stretched and wood working claw hammers do leave distinct stretch marks.
I have seen primer coats applied with a brush, a roller and most often from spray cans. Often the colors are not primer colors but any kind of color paint. I have never seen a finished repair that is suitable for an established shop to paint.
Another incident occurred just a couple of weeks ago. We wrote an estimate at the shop on a newer pickup truck to replace a bedside. The damage was severe enough and the bedside cheap enough to justify replacing the bedside instead of repairing it. The owner made an appointment.
On the day of the appointment the vehicle was dropped off. No mention was made of a scammer repair to the vehicle after we wrote an estimate. As in most cases the scammer repair was so awful the owners do not want to talk about it. Rarely is it reported to the Police. Fortunately for this owner our estimate was already approved by the Insurance Company and he was only out the money he paid the scammer.
ATV and RV owners; should you be concerned? These vehicles are also scammed. With so many super glues now available, owners of ATV’s have brought in fenders and gas tanks with glue repairs only to be told their fenders are no longer flexible and will easily break. Gas tanks will leak.
RV owners are often scammed on scratch repair where unknown materials were used to fill the scratch. One motor home I inspected was a light cream color. The scratch was painted over with red nail polish. The owner, a lady, was told the body shop would finish sanding before painting. She told me she was intimidated and paid the scammer to leave because he became irritated when questioned about the quality of the work. I’m sure she could see the painting was done with a nail polish brush. It certainly was obvious to me. I suspect irritation is often used to intimidate vehicle owners to pay.
Decals on RV’s often fade or turn chalky. This is often a target for a scammer to apply a “restoration” product that will only last a very short time.
Here are some helpful hints to consider: A State license is required to do body work. In the city limits a business license is also required. There are other concerns. Is it a violation of your home owner’s insurance policy to do body work at your home? Are environmental laws being broken because materials being used are hazardous? Fire Department regulations might be broken also. What about Workman’s Comp Insurance if the scammer is injured on your property.
For several years, trade magazines have reported there is a shortage of people getting into the collision repair occupation. Qualified workers are eagerly sought by employers. Legitimate collision repair craftsman work out of store fronts, (shops with an address and prominent signage) not in parking lots and home owners driveways. Some businesses do minor touchup services and are allowed at vehicles owner's homes… if the proper licenses are issued.
Coachmaster Collision repair* is a past recipient of the District Attorneys award for honesty and integrity in business.
Don Stec is the founder of Coachmaster, a full service collision repair facility also specializing in the collision repair of RV’s. Now retired, Don is proud to have sold the business to long time manager Allan Gordon. Call Coachmaster at 530-243-1310, or stop by at 6851 Eastside Road. Redding, CA.