Salmon River Fishing Report
by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
The Salmon River and bay are open for Chinook salmon. The run is near the end but a few fish are still entering the system. Trolling herring in the lower bay is an effective technique. Eggs and bobber can be productive in the upper bay and river as the season progresses. Anglers are reminded that from Knight Park boat ramp to Sulphur Creek from Sept. 1 to Dec. 31, fishing is restricted to single point hook metal lures, fly, or salmon bobber angling.
The Salmon River opened for wild and hatchery steelhead on Dec. 1. Wild winter steelhead can be retained on the Salmon River. Daily and annual bag limit on wild winter steelhead are 1/day and 3/year. Casting spinners, drifting bait or using a bobber and jig can be effective.
The Siletz River and bay is open for Chinook salmon through Dec. 31. Fishing is slow. Trolling herring in the lower bay is an effective technique. Eggs and bobber or drifting eggs can be productive in the upper bay and river as the season progresses. Consult the regulations for changes in deadline locations through the season.
Steelhead fishing is fair. Winter steelhead opportunities are improving as more fish move through the mainstem. Casting spinners, drifting bait or using a bobber and jig can be effective.
The Salmon River opened for wild and hatchery steelhead on Dec. 1. Wild winter steelhead can be retained on the Salmon River. Daily and annual bag limit on wild winter steelhead are 1/day and 3/year. Casting spinners, drifting bait or using a bobber and jig can be effective.
The Siletz River and bay is open for Chinook salmon through Dec. 31. Fishing is slow. Trolling herring in the lower bay is an effective technique. Eggs and bobber or drifting eggs can be productive in the upper bay and river as the season progresses. Consult the regulations for changes in deadline locations through the season.
Steelhead fishing is fair. Winter steelhead opportunities are improving as more fish move through the mainstem. Casting spinners, drifting bait or using a bobber and jig can be effective.
More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Tuesday, December 27th, 2016
Alsea River: Alsea River Fishing Report
Kilchis River: Kilchis River Fishing Report
Nestucca River: Nestucca River and Three Rivers Fishing Report

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