BLM question of the week...fairy shrimp

Fairy shrimp, photo courtesy of BLM.

by BLM

How do fairy shrimp survive when their pools dry up? 

a) They burrow deep underground to water hidden below the surface.

b) They gather together in a gelatinous mass that is able to persist through the heat of summer.

c) The adults die and the next generation awaits future rains in the form of egg cysts. 

d) They grow wings and fly to permanent water bodies. 

Keep reading for answer below.

Fairy shrimp occur in vernal pools, which are only present on the landscape during wet portions of the year. When rains fill the pools, fairy shrimp hatch from awaiting egg cysts and quickly develop into adults. Adults mate and new egg cysts develop in the female's brood pouch. Once the cysts are fully formed, they are released and sink to the bottom of the vernal pool. There they can persist through multiple years of drought, freezing and high temperatures until the next rains come. Some people may know fairy shrimp as "sea monkeys," but remember, not all fairy shrimp require salty water! (Question provided by Carly Summers, BLM California Wildlife Biologist)

How do fairy shrimp survive when their pools dry up?

c) The adults die and the next generation awaits future rains in the form of egg cysts. 

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