Anderson Free Fishing Day Canceled
by Gary Heffley
After a final on-site inspection of the park and specifically the conditions of the ponds and public access points for angling, the decision was made to cancel the Free Kids Fishing Day portion of the April 1 festivities at Anderson River Park.
The ponds are murky and shoreline has not yet recovered from the high flood waters from the recent high releases on the Sacramento River. The adjacent levee was breached flooding not only the ponds but adjacent parking lots. Even as the river flows have lessened, a portion of the parking lot is still under water. Recently, volunteers rescued many fish from the parking lot including trout and salmon smolt.
Many trails along the river remain closed as portions were washed away by the raging high water, the pond area is also closed to public access. Assessments are being made for repairs at this time.
The next scheduled Free Kids Fishing Day is scheduled for Saturday May 13 in the Viola area east of Shingletown. Final details are pending and will be announced shortly.
Gary Heffley has been a valued contributor to MyOutdoorBuddy for over 10 years serving as manager, sales representative and reporter for much of Northern California. He is an avid outdoorsman and loves to fish and write about his adventures. He has a long history in the Sporting Goods field and uses that extensive experience to impart his wisdom in his writing.
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