Wildlife Conservation Board Honored for Resource Conservation

The Green California Summit honored the California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) Tuesday night with the 2017 Leadership Award for Resource Conservation. The annual summit showcases strategies for emission reduction, water conservation, clean transportation and other environmentally sustainable practices, and supports attainment of the sustainability goals set by the state.
The award was presented for projects that have accomplished preservation of a natural resource, such as wetlands, forest and species conservation. Accepting the award at the Sacramento Convention Center, WCB Executive Director John Donnelly thanked the organizers of the event, WCB staff and other government agencies, non-profits and private citizens who partner with the WCB.
“We’re pleased to fund projects designed to protect and restore critical habitats that are self-sustaining and essential to wildlife. The majority of Californians demonstrate their support for this work by voting in favor of ballot initiatives that benefit our wildlife, ecosystems and water.”
The WCB is an independent Board affiliated with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. It protects, restores and enhances California’s spectacular natural resources for wildlife and for the public’s use and enjoyment, in partnership with conservation groups, other government agencies and the people of California. John Donnelly has been its executive director for 10 years. To learn more about the WCB and its programs, please visit wcb.ca.gov.
The Green Leadership Awards, now in their eleventh year, are unique in that they honor and celebrate green government. The WCB is the first recipient of the Resource Conservation award, as it is a new category.
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