ODFW Weekly Recreational Report


Be on the lookout for gray whales!
Gray whales are always a treat to see and can often be spotted off the central and south coasts.It is common for gray whales to migrate to and from summer feeding grounds in the Bering Sea, passing by the Oregon coast. In addition, there is a summer resident group that hangs out in the Depoe Bay area most of the summer. 

Family Friendly pheasant hunting workshops, shotgun skills classes coming up
ODFW will host four family-friendly pheasant hunting workshops this fall: Sept. 9 and Sept. 10 at Sauvie Island, and Sept. 16 and Sept. 17 at EE Wilson Wildlife Area near Corvallis.

Participants are also required to take a shotgun skills class prior to the workshop so hunters, dogs and handlers can hunt in the morning and be finished before it gets too hot.

Shotgun skills workshops are at Mid Valley Clays in Gervais on Aug. 11 from 4-8 p.m., Aug. 12 from 8 a.m.-2 p.m., or Aug. 26 8 a.m.-2 p.m. at Mid-Valley Clays in Gervais. More details at odfwcalendar.com and sign up online (click View All Classes Workshops/Outdoor Skills), at a license sales agent or at an ODFW office that sells licenses

Plenty of places to catch ‘trophy trout’ this summer
Thousands of extra-large rainbow trout are being released at locations around the state this season as the as the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife enters the second year of its “Trophy Trout” program. These 15-inch-and-larger trout are adding excitement to what is already one of Oregon’s most popular outdoor activities — trout fishing. See the news release or trout stocking schedule for details. 

As temperatures rise, think warmwater fishing
As temperatures rise moving into summer, warmwater fish such as bass, crappie, and bluegill get more active, making them a good option this time of year. To learn more about this fun fishing activity, check out our Warmwater Fishing Page for ideas on when, where, and how to catch these fish. 

Free pheasant hunts for youth hunters – Sign up now
Free hunts are being held in Baker City, Central Point, Corvallis, Eugene, Irrigon, John Day, Klamath Falls, La Grande, Madras, Portland, The Dalles (Tygh Valley). These events are only open to youth who have passed hunter education. (ODFW has many hunter education classes and field days available before the events.) An adult 21 years of age or older must accompany the youth to supervise but may not hunt. More info.

Learn to field dress, butcher big game Aug. 12 and 19 in Central Point
OSU Extension Jackson Co and OHA are offering a Hunt to Home Class Aug. 12 and 19 in Jackson Co. Sign up for one or both days to learn to skin and cool a deer or elk, butcher it and pressure can or prepare jerky. Registration deadline is Aug. 4. More details (see event listing).

More Reports

The popular Buoy 10 fishery at the mouth of the Columbia River opens on Tuesday, Aug. 1 with a mixed forecast for Chinook, coho...... Read More

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Saturday, July 29th, 2017
Central Oregon Coast nearshore halibut closes Sunday night (July 30)
Columbia River: Fall salmon seasons kick off Aug. 1 with mixed forecasts