ODFW Recreation Report


Check for fire restrictions
With all the fires currently burning, hunters and others will face restrictions on public and private land. Check the Forest Service website for latest information on national forests. Department of Forestry has a helpful map of current fire restrictions. Oregon Department of Forestry and OFIC keep an updated list of closures (pdf) on their web site. The chart also contains phone numbers to get the latest access information from timberland owners. 

Band-tailed pigeon opens Sept. 15
Hunting is open statewide from Sept. 15-23. High numbers of these native pigeons have been seen in forested areas of the coast range, especially where cascara trees are abundant.

Fee pheasant hunts at western Oregon wildlife areas
This great western Oregon hunting opportunity is available at following wildlife areas: Fern Ridge Sept. 11-Oct. 8, Denman Sept. 18-Oct. 1, Sauvie Island Sept. 11-oct. 8 and EE Wilson Oct. 1-31. See page 16 of the Game Bird Regs for details.

Hunting forecasts now available
Biologists from around the state weigh in on what to expect this fall. See the Big Game and Bird Hunting forecasts online. 

Free pheasant hunts for youth hunters – Sign up now
Free hunts are being held in Baker City, Central Point, Corvallis, Eugene, Irrigon, John Day, Klamath Falls, La Grande, Madras, Portland, The Dalles (Tygh Valley). These events are only open to youth who have passed hunter education. (ODFW has many hunter education classes and field days available before the events.) An adult 21 years of age or older must accompany the youth to supervise but may not hunt. More info.

Recreational bottomfish closed as of Monday, after excellent summer season
As of Monday morning Sept. 18, anglers may no longer catch or retain lingcod, any species of rockfish, greenling or other bottomfish. Several other ocean fishing opportunities remain, incl. crabbing, flatfish, nearshore halibut between Cape Falcon and Humbug Mt, halibut south of Humbug Mt, tuna and ocean salmon from Cape Falcon to Humbug Mt except coho. More info

More Reports

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, September 13th, 2017

Recreational bottomfish closed as of Monday
ODFW Salmon and Trout Advisory Meeting Sept. 21-22

The Fish and Wildlife Commission will meet Sept. 15 in Welches, Ore. at the Resort at the Mountain, Huckleberry Room, 68010 East Fairway...... Read More