ODFW to issue five South coast bay clam dive permits – Applications due by April 25
The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife will award five South Coast bay clam dive permits May 1, 2018 at ODFW headquarters in Salem. South Coast permits are only valid in Oregon estuaries south of Heceta Head.
“The commercial bay clam dive fishery in Oregon is limited to 15 permits—10 coastwide permits and five south coast permits,” said Linda Lytle, license service manager for ODFW. “If the number of permits falls below 15 we hold a lottery to bring the number back up to 15. Currently there are five South Coast permits available.”
Bay clams are harvested by licensed inter-tidal commercial harvesters and also by permitted sub-tidal divers. Harvest focuses on cockles, gapers, and butter clams.
“Historical landings patterns and species targeted vary depending on market demand, environmental conditions and population abundance,” said Mitch Vance, shellfish project leader for ODFW’s Marine Resources Program. Some restrictions also exist for conservation purposes. For instance, the season for gapers is closed from January to June when they are spawning.
Contact ODFW’s licensing services staff at (503) 947-6101 for an application. Only one application per vessel or individual will be accepted. Applications must be received in the Salem office or postmarked no later than April 25, 2018
To renew a permit for the next year, the holder must meet minimum landing requirements of five landings of at least 100 pounds each or an annual total of 2,500 pounds with dive gear. If there are no landings, the permit reverts to the state.
For more information on applying for a permit please contact ODFW’s licensing services, 4034 Fairview Industrial Dr. SE., Salem, OR 97302 or call (503) 947-6101.
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OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Saturday, April 14th, 2018
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