Update: Commission delays marbled murrelet survival guidelines until August meeting
Commission opted to delay adoption of marbled murrelet survival guidelines until their Aug. 3 meeting in Salem to allow staff more time to refine the advisory rule language.
Yesterday, they decided not to uplist the marbled murrelet from threatened to endangered.
Once adopted, the guidelines would encourage (but not require) certain actions to conserve this seabird on state-owned or state-leased land. The rules would not apply to private property or non-state public land.
In other business today, the Commission adopted sardine harvest limits in keeping with federal recommendations and were briefed on the results of a technical review and public process regarding the potential establishment of thermal fishing sanctuaries in the Columbia River.
Finally, Commissioners were briefed on staff proposals to simplify big game hunting regulations and heard testimony from six people. Final action on the proposals will be taken at their Sept. 14 meeting in Bandon, when the Commission adopts 2019 Big Game Hunting Regulations, though some proposed changes require legislative approval and will take longer.
The Commission’s next meeting is Aug. 3 in Salem at ODFW Headquarters.
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