ODFW Weekly Recreation Report Highlights
Handle fish with care during hot summer weather
On days when temperatures soar, anglers can do their part to reduce the stress fish are under. Here are some tips:
- Fish early in day when water temperatures are cooler.
- Use a thermometer to check water temperatures frequently. Stop fishing when temperatures exceed 70 degrees.
- Look for trout in deep, high elevation lakes or shaded streams near headwaters. These places are often cooler.
- Use barbless hooks if you plan to catch and release.
- Use the appropriate gear and land fish quickly. The longer the fight, the less likely the fish will survive.
- Keep the fish in the water when you unhook it and cradle the fish upright until it revives enough to swim away.
- Use your judgement. If conditions where you want to fish seems especially severe (low, hot water), consider fishing somewhere else where water conditions are better.
Best bets for weekend fishing
Here are some highlights from this week’s Recreation Report:
- Brown trout in Lemolo Reservoir
- Half-pounders in the lower Rogue
- Summer steelhead in the Siletz, South Fork Santiam and lower McKenzie rivers
- Smallmouth bass in the mainstem Coquille
- Coho salmon in Winchester Bay
- Stripers in the Smith River
Check the updates in the zone reports for more information and ideas.
Fall black bear opens Aug. 1
The general statewide black bear season opens Aug. 1. Hunters in the Southwest Area may harvest additional bears if they drew a controlled hunt tag and/or purchase a SW additional bear tag.
Improve your shotgun shooting skills
ODFW will host several shotgun skills workshops in Gervais, Portland and near Corvallis during July and August. Taking one of these shotgun skills classes is required to sign up for ODFW’s popular fall pheasant hunting workshops in September. Get more details and register.
Sign up for hunter education
The fall hunting season will be here before you know it. Hunter education is required for all hunters 18 and under, and is required for adult hunters in many popular, nearby states. Sign up now for a hunter education course (online, workbook or traditional) or field day.
Apply for controlled sage-grouse season
The sage-grouse season is eight days in September and is open by permit only. The application period is from July 1 to Aug. 20. Check page 17 of the 2018-19 Oregon Game Bird Regulations for a list of open areas.
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