Portion of coast closes to razor clamming
by Fish Reports Staff
The Oregon Department of Agriculture and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife announce the closure of razor clam harvesting from the Umpqua River to the California border. Recent shellfish samples taken from the area indicate levels of the marine biotoxin domoic acid have risen above the alert level.
Razor clamming remains open from Tillamook Head to the Umpqua River. Razor clamming remains closed from the Columbia River to Tillamook Head due to the annual conservation closure.
Mussel harvesting is currently open from the Columbia River to the Coquille River.
ODA will continue to test for shellfish toxins twice per month, as tides permit. Reopening of an area requires two consecutive tests in the safe range.
For more information, call ODA’s shellfish safety information hotline at (800) 448-2474, the Food Safety Division at (503) 986-4720 or visit the ODA shellfish closures webpage.
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