ODFW Recreation Report Highlights
Have you got your big game tag?
General deer and many controlled deer hunts open this Saturday. Don’t forget to buy your tag before then.
Fall features fantastic fishing, and foliage
If you’ve put your rod away for the season, you’ve packed it in too soon. Fall can be some of the best trout fishing of the year. Trout perk up as water temperature cool down and we’re getting good fishing reports from across the state. Check the Recreation Reports for a lake, river or reservoir near you. Or, put on your hiking boots and walk into one of the hundreds of high lakes that hold trout. There’s good fishing, good weather and, best of all, no mosquitoes.
Hunter orange isn’t just for hunters
There are lots of reasons to take to the hills this fall – fishing a hike-in lake, wildlife watching while on a hike, or for mushrooms in the forest. If you’re in the woods during hunting season, it’s a good idea to stand out from you surroundings. Wear a brightly colored hat, vest or coat. This time of year, (hunter) orange can be the new black.
Know before you go – Check fire restrictions, closures before heading outdoors
- Oregon Department of Forestry, Click on any area in the map to see a list of fire restrictions in areas protected by ODF. Click within public lands areas to find out the land manager and contact info.
- Corporate Closures, covers several private industrial timberlands in Oregon.
- US Forest Service
- Bureau of Land Management
- InciWeb, https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/, current fires and fire-related closures in Oregon.
Take a friend hunting – Chance win a statewide deer tag or other great prizes
Take someone who is new to the sport out hunting—or even someone who hasn’t hunted in awhile! Then enter to win some great prizes including the grand prize of a statewide deer tag for 2020. Learn all the details.
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[DNA extraction not possible but “highly probable” that cougar killed last week is one that killed Diana Bober] ODFW is ending...... Read More
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, September 20th, 2018
Salmon River: Volunteer opportunity at Salmon River Hatchery
• Central coast opens for one last day of ocean coho this Friday