Save your Hunter/Angler ID# and get ready to verify your account
Get ready for the launch of ODFW’s new modernized licensing system on Dec. 1—hang on to your 2018 hunting or fishing license or take a photo of it now to make verification easy!
Once the new system launches on Dec. 1, hunters and anglers should use their Hunter/Angler ID# to verify their account in the new system, which can be done either online at or at a license sale agent. The Hunter/Angler ID# number is printed on all ODFW licenses and tags and stays the same from year to year. It will be known as the “ODFW ID#” in the new licensing system.
Hunters and anglers can also enter a phone number or email associated with their ODFW account to verify it in the new system. Those who don’t have any of this information can visit a license sale agent or call ODFW Licensing at (503) 947-6101 for help.
Verifying your account will be an important step for hunters and anglers who have big game preference points or other certifications/special status in effect (such as a Pioneer License, Oregon Hunting and Fishing Disability Permit, Northwest Goose certification, etc.). Customers who have purchased a hunting, fishing, shellfish, combination or Sports Pac license in the last three years (2016-2018) should also verify their account in the new system.
All others can choose “I am a new customer or have not purchased an annual license in the last 3 years” to open an account either at or a license sale agent.
More about the new ELS
ODFW’s new modernized electronic licensing system (ELS), first announced in early August, remains on track for a Dec. 1, 2018 launch. With the new system, hunters and anglers will be able to carry their documents electronically (on their smartphone or tablet) and tag fish and wildlife with a mobile app that will even work offline. Or, customers can continue to use paper documents, but will be able to buy online at and print licenses and tags directly at home on regular paper.
Customers will also still have the option of purchasing licenses and tags at license sale agents (including many ODFW offices), but no special paper or computer equipment will be needed by these businesses. The majority of current license sale agents including large retailers like Bi-Mart and Walmart have agreed to continue selling ODFW documents through the new system.
Note that all customers age 12 and over who purchase licenses/tags online or choose electronic tags will be required to have a unique email address (not shared by anyone else with a MyODFW account, including a parent or relative) for their account. Customers who purchase paper tags at license sale agents or ODFW offices will be encouraged (but not required) to include an email address in their profiles.
The unique email address is one way customers can be found and identified in the new system and tied to their specific licensing information. Also, with the new system, ODFW is switching its primary communication method with customers from mail to email for cost savings and efficiency. Customers who provide an email can opt out of receiving certain ODFW emails if they choose.
The old licensing system will stop operating at 6 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 30 so the new system can launch sometime on Dec. 1. Not all license sales agents may have their new systems up and running immediately on Dec. 1, so customers who need to purchase 2018 licenses/tags to hunt, fish, crab or clam the first weekend of December are encouraged to purchase needed documents before Nov. 30.
To find out more about the new ELS, visit
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