Wild winter steelhead angling regulations in Southwest Zone
Wild winter steelhead are starting to show in some Southwest Zone rivers, and ODFW reminds anglers of harvest limits.
In August, the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission adopted a regulation to decrease the wild winter steelhead harvest limit in Southwest Zone rivers from one per day/five per season to one per day/three per season. However, this regulation is not in effect until January 1, 2019.
Currently, the East Fork Coquille River already has a one and three harvest limit for 2018.
Other coastal rivers with wild winter steelhead harvest retain the one and five limit through the end of the year. These include the Chetco, Elk, Illinois, Pistol, Sixes and Winchuck rivers, and Euchre and Hunter creeks. The Rogue River opens for wild winter steelhead harvest January 1 from the mouth up to Hog Creek.
Beginning January 1, 2019 for all rivers and streams in the Southwest Zone where wild winter steelhead harvest is allowed, the regulations convert to the one per day/three per season harvest limit.
The Umpqua River and many other Southwest Zone streams remain closed to wild winter steelhead harvest.
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