January 2019 California Department of Fish and Wildlife Calendar

Various Days — Guided Wetland Tours, By Reservation, at Gray Lodge Wildlife Area, 3207 Rutherford Road, Gridley (95948). A wildlife naturalist will lead any group, school or organization on a half-mile route through the diverse wetlands of the Gray Lodge Wildlife Area. General information includes wildlife identification, behavior patterns and conservation efforts. The experience can be customized to include requested information. The minimum group size is 18 people. For more information, please call (530) 846-7505 or email lori.dieter@wildlife.ca.gov.
Various Days — Ecological Reserve Tours at Elkhorn Slough, 1700 Elkhorn Road, Watsonville (95076). Volunteers lead walks every Saturday and Sunday at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Binoculars and bird books are available for the public to borrow at no cost. The visitor center and main overlook are fully accessible. The day use permit fee is $4.12 per person, ages 16 and older (permits may be purchased onsite). Groups of five or more should please notify staff that they are coming and groups of 10 or more can request a separate tour. For more information, please visit www.wildlife.ca.gov/lands/places-to-visit/elkhorn-slough-er.
Various Days — Shared Habitat Alliance for Recreational Enhancement (SHARE) Access Permit Application Deadline for Multiple Hunting Opportunities. Wild pig, waterfowl, turkey, dove and quail hunts are available through the SHARE program. A $10.75 non-refundable application fee (plus handling fees) is charged for each hunt choice. For more information, please visit www.wildlife.ca.gov/hunting/share.
Various Days — Nature Bowl Coaching Workshops. Training for those interested in becoming coaches for the Nature Bowl will be held on various days at various sites in the Sacramento area in January. The Nature Bowl is an educational event for third through sixth graders who form teams of up to nine students with an adult coach. The event is scheduled at various sites in the Sacramento area in April and May. For more information, please visit www.wildlife.ca.gov/regions/2/nature-bowl/schedule or email joanie.cahill@wildlife.ca.gov.
First Through Third Saturdays and Sundays of the Month — Sandhill Crane Wetland Tours at Woodbridge Ecological Reserve, 7730 W. Woodbridge Road, Lodi (95242). Online registration is underway for those wishing to participate in guided tours, which run through February. A one-day Lands Pass must be purchased to attend and instructions are available on the same website. Tours fill fast and registration may be done as much as six weeks in advance. To register or for more information, please visit www.wildlife.ca.gov/regions/3/crane-tour.
Saturdays — Swan Tours. CDFW will offer free swan tours near Marysville on Saturdays through January. Co-hosted by local rice farmers, the naturalist-led tours will focus on tundra swans in one of the premier locations for viewing swans in California. Tours will be held on Saturdays from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. and from 1 to 3 p.m. The driving tours also involve walking a short distance and carpooling is encouraged. Pre-registration is required at www.wildlife.ca.gov/regions/2/swan-tours and up to 30 people can register for each tour. For more information, please call (916) 358-2869 or email interpretiveservices@wildlife.ca.gov.
Weekends — Guided Wildlife Tours at Gray Lodge Wildlife Area, 3207 Rutherford Road, Gridley (95948), 12:30 p.m. The 90-minute walking tour covers slightly more than a half mile through this premier birding spot that highlights migratory waterfowl and other wetland wildlife. Tours are canceled in heavy rain. No reservations are necessary for groups of less than 20 people. This land is part of the CDFW Lands Pass Program and its associated fee-for-use requirement. There is no additional cost for the tour. For more information, please call (530) 846-7505 or email lori.dieter@wildlife.ca.gov.
2 — SHARE Access Permit Application Deadline for Sierra Valley Preserve Waterfowl Hunt. Western Wildlife Adventures will provide guide services, two nights of lodging, food and transportation for this two-day hunt. CDFW will randomly draw one permit (good for two hunters) for each hunt period. Wild pig, turkey and quail hunts are also currently available through the SHARE program. A $10.75 non-refundable application fee (plus handling fees) will be charged for each hunt choice. For more information, please visit www.wildlife.ca.gov/hunting/share.
5 — White and White-fronted Goose Season Opens in the Northeastern California Zone. For more information, please visit www.wildlife.ca.gov/hunting/waterfowl.
10 — California Fish and Game Commission Wildlife Resources Committee, time to be determined, CDFW Regional Office, Large Conference Room, 3602 Inland Empire Blvd., Suite C-220, Ontario (91764). For more information, please visit www.fgc.ca.gov/meetings/2019/index.aspx.
13 — Large Canada Goose Season Closes in the Northeastern California Zone. For more information, please visit www.wildlife.ca.gov/hunting/waterfowl.
15 — SHARE Access Permit Application Deadline for Dye Creek Preserve Wild Pig Hunt. Western Wildlife Adventures will provide guide services, two nights of lodging, food and transportation for this two-day hunt. CDFW will randomly draw one permit (good for two hunters) for each hunt period. Wild pig, turkey and quail hunts are also currently available through the SHARE program. A $10.75 non-refundable application fee (plus handling fees) will be charged for each hunt choice. For more information, please visit www.wildlife.ca.gov/hunting/share.
18 — Duck Season and White Geese and White-fronted Goose Season Closes in the Northeastern California Zone. For more information, please visit www.wildlife.ca.gov/hunting/waterfowl.
20 — Elkhorn Slough Reserve Annual King Tides Photography Walk, 8:30 to 10:30 a.m., 1700 Elkhorn Road, Watsonville (95076). Participants can witness one of the highest tides of the year and help scientists document the “King Tide” phenomenon. Reserve naturalists discuss the impacts of sea level rise on coastal on the slough and its surrounding coastlines while touring designated “King Tide” sites. Participants should bring cameras to record the tides at each site. The event is free but registration is required. For more information and to register, please visit www.elkhornslough.org/events/annual-king-tide-citizen-science-walk.
23 — Elkhorn Slough Reserve Volunteer Orientation and Information Night, 5:30 to 7 p.m. 1700 Elkhorn Road, Watsonville (95076). The Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve works to inspire conservation and preservation of the unique habitats of the Elkhorn Slough through research, stewardship and education. Volunteers help in this effort and participants in this free event will learn how to become involved. For more information, please contact Ariel Hunter at ariel.hunter@wildlife.ca.gov or visit www.elkhornslough.org/events/volunteer-docent-training.
26 — Elkhorn Slough Reserve Docent Training, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m, 1700 Elkhorn Road, Watsonville, (95076). Participants will learn how to join the reserve’s volunteer docent team and aid in the conservation of coastal estuaries. Over a span of five Saturdays (beginning Jan. 26 and concluding on Feb. 23), participants will learn about local natural history while developing strategies for engaging the public. Docent-led tours are offered on weekends throughout the year. Scheduling is flexible and based on individual availability. For more information or to register for training, please visit www.elkhornslough.org/events/volunteer-docent-training.
27 — Duck and Goose Season Closes in the Balance of State, Southern San Joaquin, Southern California and Colorado River zones. For more information, please visit www.wildlife.ca.gov/hunting/waterfowl.
28 — Falconry Only Season Opens for Rabbits and Varying Hares (extending through March 17). For more information, please visit wildlife.ca.gov/hunting/small-game.
29 — California Northern Spotted Owl Stakeholder Forum, 8:45 a.m. to 5 p.m., 5550 Skylane Blvd., Suite A, Santa Rosa (95403). The California Northern Spotted Owl Stakeholder Forum allows agencies, non-governmental organizations, researchers, landowners, timber companies and other interested parties to share information regarding northern spotted owl management and conservation efforts in California. For more information, please visit www.wildlife.ca.gov/conservation/timber/nso-forum.
31 — Deer Tag Reporting Deadline. Deer tag holders must submit a harvest report for any 2018 deer tag by the Jan. 31, 2019 deadline. All tag holders must report even if they did not hunt, or they hunted unsuccessfully. Tag holders who do not report by this deadline will be charged a $21.60 non-reporting penalty fee when purchasing a 2019 deer-tag drawing application or deer tag. To report your harvest online, please visit www.ca.wildlifelicense.com/internetsales/customersearch/begin. For more information, please visit www.wildlife.ca.gov/licensing/hunting#9941260-tag-reporting or call (916) 928-5805.
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