ODFW Weekly Recreation Report Highlights
2019 trout stocking schedule
Get a jump on planning your 2019 trout fishing adventures. The 2019 weekly trout stocking schedule is now posted on MyODFW.com.
Hunters have until April 15 to report their 2018 hunts
The deadline to report all 2018 big game and turkey tags has been extended until April 15, 2019 (from Jan. 31) to give hunters more time to report under ODFW’s new licensing system.
Best bets for weekend fishing
- The winter steelhead season is in full swing on the Umpqua River.
- The best bets for winter steelhead on the mid-coast continue to be the Alsea and Siletz.
- When ocean conditions permit, lingcod fishing has been excellent with many anglers bringing in limits.
- Late winter can a good time for surfperch fishing on the Coos County beaches.
- Northeast trout anglers should check out Willow Creek Reservoir, which typically stays ice-free and offers some good mid-winter trout fishing.
- Anglers are continuing to catch a mix of wild and hatchery steelhead in the Coos and Coquille basins.
- Surplus hatchery steelhead are being released into Town Lake, Coffenbury Lake and Vernonia Pond. These fish brighten back up and get fairly active once in the lake.
Spring bear tags
The application deadline for controlled spring bear hunts is Sunday, Feb. 10. Apply online (you’ll make your choices during check out), at a license agent or at an ODFW office that sells licenses.
Buy your 2019 license
ODFW’s new licensing system lets you decide how to carry your 2019 license, tags and other documents. You can choose paper documents that you buy on line and print at home, or purchase at a license vendor. Or, you can choose electronic and carry your documents on your smartphone.
Check out the How to buy a license or tag page, and the frequently asked questions if you have additional questions.
More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Saturday, January 12th, 2019
Rogue River- Upper: Commission meets Jan. 18 in Salem
Columbia River: Joint workgroup of Oregon, Washington commissioners meets about Columbia River fisheries

ODFW licensing system down to new customers on Sunday On Sunday from 1 to 5 p.m. the ODFW licensing system will...... Read More