Some Really Good Reports

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff


There have been some really good reports throughout the main. The current forecast has the river coming into shape maybe by the weekend. All wild steelhead must be released in the Umpqua so please follow good catch-and-release techniques.

Trout fishing will reopen in May 2019.

UMPQUA RIVER, NORTH: winter steelhead

Steelhead fishing should be good and recent reports have anglers catching a few in the lower river. The peak for the North is in later February and March.

Some of the North Umpqua and tributaries are open for trout (those above Slide Creek Dam): check the fishing regulations to see which areas are closed.

Note that as of Oct. 1 fishing in the fly water area is restricted to the use of a single, barbless artificial fly. 

UMPQUA RIVER, SOUTH: winter steelhead 

There some good reports throughout the South. The river is forecasted to drop back into shape and there should be lots of fish in the river.

More Reports

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, January 23rd, 2019

Applegate River: Applegate River Fishing Report
Cooper Creek Reservoir: Cooper Creek Reservoir Fishing Report
Coos River: River Flows Decreasing as the Week Progresses
Diamond Lake: Stocked with Tiger and Brown Trout.
Fish Lake : Ice Fishing has Been Quite Productive
Garrison Lake: Elk River Hatchery Steelhead Returns

Steelhead anglers are catching hatchery steelhead in the mainstem Coquille and lower reaches of the South Fork Coquille. Rainfall predicted...... Read More