Apply by March 1 for Landowner Position on Access and Habitat Board
ODFW is looking for someone with experience in forestry to serve as a landowner representative on the statewide Access and Habitat Board. Apply by March 1 using the statewide board application found at
Send your application to the Oregon Department of Forestry, ATTN: Peter Daugherty, State Forester, 2600 State Street, Salem, OR 97301 or fax to (503) 945-7212 by March 1, 2019.
Candidates for the landowner position should have experience in forestry, but do not need to own land to qualify. Applicants should be willing and able to work collaboratively with landowners, sportsmen’s groups, ODFW staff and other government agencies to facilitate the A and H Program.
A and H Statewide Board members, appointed by the Fish and Wildlife Commission, typically meet at least four times each year in various communities throughout the state to review project funding applications, hear public testimony and act as liaisons between the program and the public. The Board is made up of seven volunteers — three landowner representatives, three hunter representatives, and the Chair — who review and recommend wildlife habitat improvement and hunting access projects to the Commission. Members are eligible for two consecutive four-year terms.
The A and H program provides grants to improve wildlife habitat or open private land to hunter access.
Please contact Travis Schultz at (503) 947-6087 or with questions.
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