Western Nevada NDOW FIshing Report

by Nevada Department of Wildlife
The reservoir is fishing great for bass now that the summer heat is finally setting in. Bait fishing remains good early and late in the day with powerbait in deeper water for trout. Fly and spin fisherman are finding smaller bass on poppers early and late in the day.
No reports from the opener. As of 6/12 a large snow drift restricted access from Onion. Fishing should be excellent this season.
The river is currently flowing well over 2000 cfs. Fishing will continue to be tough until flows come down below 1000 cfs.
Fishing is fair to slow for walleye, crappie, wiper and catfish. A few walleye are being caught slowly trolling minnow imitations or worm harnesses. Trolling faster with rapala minnow imitations is a good method for walleye as well. For crappie use bright colored jigs in the flooded vegetation. The few that fly fish Chimney Reservoir tend to stick with the chartreuse and yellow Clouser minnows. Note that all tiger muskie must be released and report the tag # to NDOW. Additional Tiger Muskie fingerlings will be introduced during the 2019 season and some larger fish are showing up during surveys.
Like most of our other rivers across the state, the East Walker River flows are really high. The summer heat and remaining snowpack will likely extend these higher flows into July. Look for conditions to change quickly here as the peak watering season downstream comes to an end.
The Ash Canyon Road to the Hobart trailhead is scheduled to open just in time for the 4th of July weekend. Fishing has been excellent for Rainbows from 9-11 inches, tigers to 14 inches, and a few smaller brookies. Fish have been aggressive enough to hunt down slowly retrieved nymphs all day long. Midge and damsels are the most prolific insects at the moment. Fish have also been on the surface feeding when the wind is down. Damsel adults, ants, and callibaetis dry flies along the shoreline have been the most productive when fish are seen breaking the surface.
Reports from the opener were all excellent. The lake is currently full and will likely overtake the south end of the lake as the remaining snowmelt enters the lake. Shore fishing will continue to be good until vegetation takes hold with the summer heat. Fly fisherman using callibaetis mayfly emergers, and parachute adams are finding fishing on the surface early in the day. Damsel nymphs and sheep creek specials have been excellent paired with a midge pupa under an indicator all day long. As the lake continues to heat up, look for the sinking lines and leech patterns to become more effective than the small dries and nymphs.
Fishing continues to get better with the heat. White bass can be found along most of the sandy beaches early and late in the day with the occasional wiper showing up. Fly fisherman are finding success with sinking lines and small chartreuse or white clouser minnows. Spin fisherman are doing very well with small spoons and bright kastmasters. Structure and ledges are key when looking for the larger fish.
Toplining for large rainbow and brown trout has also been productive in shallower water (less than 50 feet in depth). Targeting the shallow bays seems to be the most productive for rainbows and browns. Shore fishing has been fair to good on the east shore using powerbait or worms off the bottom.
Fishing has been good at Hinkson for bass. Bass can be found early and late in the day right next to the tules and around other structure. In addition to the bass, a few trout are still being caught early and late. Poppers and mice patterns on the surface can be good near the shore and along the tules. Spin fisherman bouncing small jigs along the bottom have been picking up both bass and trout.
Closed to fishing at this time. Open July 15 through Sept. 30.
The opener at Onion was excellent. Spin fishing has been best with a small kastmaster and rooster tails or powerbait off the bottom. Fly fisherman in float tubes are doing well with sheep creek specials and midge larva under an indicator or fishing small streamers slowly trolled behind a float tubes.
Fishing has been good but will likely slow down some with the extreme heat. Fishing will just continue to improve with good water conditions and fall temperatures. Spin Fisherman are finding that Rapala minnow imitations are working well in addition to larger jigs. Fly Fisherman are picking up an occasional walleye or bass on chartreuse woolly buggers or clouser minnows near the dam.
Spooner has been good from shore and float tubes or kayaks. The vegetation hasn’t taken control of the shoreline yet leaving plenty of shore fishing access available. Fly fisherman using callibaetis mayfly emergers early and late in the day are finding fish on the surface. Slowly retrieved woolly bugger and leech patterns have worked during the afternoons both from shore and from boats. Spin fisherman are doing well with small rapalas along the weedlines. Powerbait and salmon eggs have also been fishing well under a bobber as well as off the bottom.
Fishing at Squaw Reservoir can be productive through the summer months near the dam for trout or at the inlet for bass. Now is the best time of year for largemouth bass at the reservoir. Early and late in the day poppers can be effective along and in the shoreline tulles. Spinnerbaits and floating rapalas can also work well along the shoreline for large bass. Fly fishing with sinking lines near the dam out of boats has been fair to good this spring. Expect trout fishing to slow some with the high summer temperatures.
Topaz is picking up with recent stocking, shore anglers with powerbait and boaters trolling flash rigs are doing the best. Most trout are around 12 inches with a few up to 18 reported. Crawlers off the bottom have also been productive early and late in the day.
Summer flows are roughly 2000 cfs making access tough. The clarity has been great but flows remain intimidating. Those brave enough to fish it are reporting a few fish in the 12-16 “ range on streamers and larger nymphs. Dead drifting along the banks has been the key to success. Anglers should expect high flows well into summer this year. Little yellow stones are currently hatching but few fish have been seen taking them off the surface.
The urban ponds in the western region have received at least one round of stocked trout so far. The Sparks Marina will offer the best chance to catch an array of species while waters like Virginia Lake and Paradise Park Ponds may still hold a number of channel catfish and some carryover rainbow trout. The urban ponds will continue to receive additional plantings into summer as long as water temps allow. Expect Marilyn’s pond or the Crystal Peak ponds at their higher elevations to fish better during the middle of summer.
Walker Lake is currently at 44% of capacity and rising. An increase in the lake level is key to the fishery rebounding.
Wall Canyon Reservoir is currently difficult to access due to the amount of precipitation received in the region. The access is road is extremely muddy and four wheel drive is necessary. As things dry out in the spring expect excellent fishing for carryover rainbow and brown trout as well as smallmouth bass.
Stocking of several thousand channel catfish and white crappie along with half a million juvenile white bass has occurred in both Little Washoe Lake and Washoe Lake during the 2017 and 2018 seasons. Expect slow fishing with some areas being more productive than others. Fishing should be productive in Little Washoe Lake this spring.
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