Q & A: Supplemental Fishing Regulations?

by California Department of Fish & Wildlife
Question: Why does CDFW publish supplemental fishing regulations? I would think that one set of regulations would be enough! (Irv)
Answer: This year’s Supplemental Sport Fishing booklet was recently published on CDFW’s website, and limited printed copies are available at CDFW offices and through license sales agents. The booklet contains updated quotas, and bag and possession limits that are determined at the annual Pacific Fisheries Management Council meeting in April of each year. The Council manages fisheries for 119 species including salmon and groundfish. The Fish and Game Commission, which regulates sport fishing in California, adopts the recommendations for species such as Central Valley and Klamath salmon and groundfish during their May teleconference each year. That date would be too late to release the Freshwater booklet (which contains regulations that are effective March 1). Without the Supplement, anglers would not know the current year quotas and bag and possession limits for the species covered in the booklet.
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