Highlights From This Week’s Recreation Report:

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Fall bear season opens Aug. 1
Many hunters consider fall bear season the kickoff of their hunting year. Fall bear will open statewide on Aug. 1. Don’t forget to buy your bear tag before Sept. 27!
Leftover big game tags go on sale Aug. 1 at 10 a.m.
Beginning this year, leftover tags will be available online only. You will not be able to purchase leftover tags at an ODFW office.
See how to purchase leftover tags
Temporary regulations for wild Chinook in coastal rivers
Due to low forecasted returns this year, wild Chinook fishing will be restricted in most coastal rivers. Most of these temporary regulations will be in effect from Aug. 1-Dec. 31, though a few don’t start until Sept. 16 or Oct. 1. Before planning your fishing trip, be sure the check the regulation updates at the top of the NW Zone and SW Zone of the Recreation Report.
Seven fish to chase this weekend
- Native redband trout. Check out the Blitzen, Chewaucan, North Fork Sprague rivers and Cherry Creek in the Southeast Zone.
- Coastal cutthroat trout. Sea-run cutts are now entering the coastal rivers.
- Bass. Any bass. Smallmouth in rivers like the Umpqua, John Day and Columbia. Largemouth bass in Multnomah Channel, Vernonia Pond and St. Louis Ponds. Striped bass in the Coquille, Umpqua and Smith rivers. Hybrid bass in Ana Reservoir.
- Summer steelhead. Good bets include the middle and upper Rogue.
- Hatchery trout in hike-in lakes. These cool, high elevation waters offer good fishing and the chance for a refreshing swim.
- Walleye. The John Day Pool on the Columbia River has been hot.
- Yellow Perch. They’ve been biting in Tenmile Lakes.
- Bonus fish: Ocean coho, if ocean fishing conditions cooperate.
Sign up for shotgun skills and pheasant hunting workshops
These workshops fill quickly, so register soon!
During the pheasant hunting workshops you’ll participate in an actual hunt with the help of a volunteer and their trained hunting dog. This is a great introduction to upland bird hunting. All participants must complete a required shotgun skills class before attending a hunting workshop.
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OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, July 18th, 2019
• Best Fishing Bets for The Weekend
Campbell Reservoir: Crappie Fishing is Slow
Gerber Reservoir: Lake is 86 Percent Full, Crappie Still Available
Klamath River - Lower: Flows Are Stabilizing
Owyhee Reservoir: Rainbows Are Still Possible to Catch
Phillips Reservoir: Trout and Perch Fishing Has Been Good
Pilcher Reservoir: Reservoir is Full Good Numbers of Rainbow and Black Crappie
Rogue River- Upper: Upper Rogue is in Good Shape
Rogue River - Middle: Summer Steelhead Numbers Are Building
Rogue River- Lower: Lower Rogue Has Been Slow for Chinook
Clackamas River: Poor Steelhead and Chinook Returns on The Clackamas
Sandy River: Spring Chinook Are Being Caught