Aug. 31 is Free Fishing Day in California

Photo Credit: Courtesy of CDFW

by California Department of Fish & Wildlife

Don’t miss the last chance to fish for free this year! Free Fishing Day in California is being offered by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) Saturday, Aug. 31, during Labor Day weekend.

“Free Fishing Day is a great opportunity for experienced anglers to share their love of the sport with someone who’s never tried it,” said CDFW Director Charlton H. Bonham.

A basic annual resident sport fishing license in California currently costs $49.94, while a one-day sport fishing license costs $16.20. CDFW offers two Free Fishing Days each year – usually around the Fourth of July and Labor Day weekend – when it’s legal to fish without one. If you would like to fish the rest of the year, please go to CDFW’s website for information about purchasing a license.

All fishing regulations, such as bag and size limits, gear restrictions, report card requirements, fishing hours and stream closures remain in effect on Free Fishing Day. Every angler must also have an appropriate report card if they are fishing for steelhead or sturgeon anywhere in the state, or salmon in the Smith and Klamath-Trinity river systems.

Anglers of all skill levels can get ideas of where to fish by using CDFW’s online Fishing Guide.

Before you head out to your favorite lake or stream, please review the freshwater fishing regulations or ocean fishing regulations  online or use CDFW’s mobile web site to view limits and regulations specific to a body of water.

Media Contacts:
Jen Benedet, CDFW Recruitment, Retention and Reactivation Program, (916) 903-9270

Kirsten Macintyre, CDFW Communications, (916) 322-8988

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