Western Nevada NDOW Fishing Report

Photo Credit: Courtesy of NDOW

by Nevada Department of Wildlife


Trout fishing has picked back up again with the cooler overnight temps. The lake is currently ice free. Fishing for bass has slowed considerably. Majority of the surface activity is now limited to trout in the evenings. Small spinners continue to produce trout all day in deeper water. Bait fishing with dough bait and worms will catch trout most of the day.


Blue Lakes closes to fishing on November 15th


The Carson was high all summer, finally coming down to rest over the last month. Fish are happy and flows are down to good fall levels. Spin fisherman using larger spinner and spoons have caught some good fish recently. Fly fisherman using small mayfly nymphs and midge pupa have been doing well under the indicator. There are still some fish still on afternoon hoppers but that’s likely to stop pretty quick with the cold nights setting in. Small bait, flies and spinners will be key here.


Fishing is slow for walleye, crappie, wiper and catfish. A few walleye are being caught slowly trolling minnow imitations or worm harnesses. Trolling faster with rapala minnow imitations is a good method for walleye as well. For crappie use bright colored jigs in the flooded vegetation. The few that fly fish Chimney Reservoir tend to stick with the chartreuse and yellow Clouser minnows. Note that all tiger muskie must be released and report the tag # to NDOW. Additional Tiger Muskie fingerlings will be introduced during the 2019 season and some larger fish are showing up during surveys.


Flows are finally down to winter levels on the East Walker. We’ve seen 250-300 cfs all summer long making for some challenging fishing. A few caddis may be out in the evening with a few sporadic midge and mayfly hatching during the day. Fish seem to be holding deep at the moment with very few risers seen during the day. Tight line nymphing through the deeper runs is very effective  with small flies and light tippets. Now is an excellent time to fish the East Walker and check out the recent improvements made in the state park near the elbow.


Hobart closes to fishing on September 30th.


Knott Creek closes to fishing on November 15th


The cooler overnight lows have the fish less active in the morning making afternoons and evening the best bet. The warm extended forecast should help to keep productive bass fishing through November. Spin fisherman using white jigs and small spinners are finding fish along sandy beaches. Fly fisherman are finding some bass still on bright streamers along many of the sand beaches. In addition to the bass,  a few large trout have been caught this season near the dam.


Good reports of small macs at the moment. The cold temps are helping to bring the fish up. This is the best time of year to find larger rainbows and browns near the surface, making them accessible to shore anglers. Shore anglers are using smaller spinners for planted trout and larger spoons for larger rainbows and browns.


Mason Valley closes to fishing on September 30th


The 2019 fishing season is closed


Onion Valley closes to fishing on November 15th   


Fishing was fair this summer and will continue to improve as warmwater gamefish populations continue to rebound. Spin Fisherman are finding that Rapala minnow imitations are working well in addition to larger brightly colored jigs. Fly Fisherman are picking up an occasional walleye or bass on chartreuse woolly buggers or clouser minnows near the dam.


Spooner is just starting to freeze a little along the shoreline. Access will likely get tough until the ice comes off in spring.


Fishing has been fair at Squaw Creek Reservoir. Fly fisherman slowly trolling larger buggers and leech patterns are getting the attention of the occasional trout near the dam and in open water. The inlet has been productive in the afternoons and evening with sheep creek specials, Zug bugs, and midge pupa slowly retrieved. Spin fisherman using larger spinners are out fishing all other methods.


Topaz is closed to fishing until January 1st.


The river is in excellent condition. Flows are at prime fall levels and the cool overnight temperatures have kept the trout happy. Fishing mid-day will continue to be good until the cold really sets in. East of Reno some BWO mayflies are still hatching in the afternoons. Small mayfly emergers and soft hackles just above or under the surface has worked well. Nymph fishing continues to be the best method for numbers but streamers are going to be the best bet for the real big fish out east this Fall. Spin fisherman have been doing well around the parks for hatchery Lahontan Cutthroat Trout.


Many of the urban ponds have received fall plants of hatchery trout. As winter makes some of the fisheries inaccessible, give the Sparks Marina a shot for some larger trout and hatchery trout from shore.


As a result of declining water levels, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) in Walker Lake has increased dramatically to the point that the lake can no longer support its native fish and wildlife populations. The last Lahontan cutthroat trout was documented in the lake in 2009. An increase in the lake level is key to reestablishing a fishery in Walker Lake. To learn more about efforts to restore Walker Lake, you can visit the Walker Basin Conservancy website at: https://www.walkerbasin.org/history-of-walker-lake


Wall Canyon continues to fish well for trout and the occasional bass. Fly fishing with snail patterns and midge pupa has been excellent with a clear intermediate line slowly retrieved. Afternoon and evenings have been best along the dam and near the inlet with spinners and bait near the bottom. 


Stocking of several thousand channel catfish and white crappie along with half a million juvenile white bass has occurred in both Little Washoe Lake and Washoe Lake during the 2017 and 2018 seasons. Expect slow fishing with some areas being more productive than others. Fishing should be productive in Little Washoe Lake this spring.

More Reports

Nevada Department of Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, November 6th, 2019

Lake Mead: Lake Mead Fishing Report
Lake Mohave: Lake Mohave/ Willow Beach Fishing Report
Colorado River - Laughlin: Anglers Are Catching Limits of Strped Bass
Las Vegas Urban Ponds: Catfish Action Has Been Good
Eagle Valley Reservoir: Trout Bite is Still Very Good
Echo Canyon Reservoir: Rainbow Action is Great
NDOW Southern Fishing Report
Wall Canyon Reservoir: Wall Canyon Reservoir Update
Walker Lake: Walker Lake Update
Truckee River: Trucke River Fishing Report
Squaw Creek Reservoir: Squaw Creek Reservoir Fishing Report
Rye Patch Reservoir: Rye Patch Reservoir Fishing Report
Lake Tahoe: Lake Tahoe Fishing Report
Lahontan Reservoir: Lahontan Reservoir Fishing Report
East Walker River (NV): East Walker River Fishing Report
Chimney Dam Reservoir: Chimney Reservoir Fishing Report
Carson River: Carson River Fishing Report
Bilk Creek Reservoir: Bilk Creek Reservoir Fishing Report

Nevada Department of Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, October 30th, 2019

Lake Mead: Lake Mead Fishing Report
Lake Mohave: Striped Bass Action is Steady
Colorado River - Laughlin: Trout Action is Expected To Pick Up
Las Vegas Urban Ponds: Las Vegas Urban Ponds Fishing Report
Kirch Wildlife Management Area: Water Levels Remain Steady
Eagle Valley Reservoir: Rainbow & Tiger Trout Action Have Been Good
Echo Canyon Reservoir: Fishing is Good From Dam and Shorelines
NDOW Southern Fishing Report