Seasonal Trout Plants Have Begun

Photo Credit: Courtesy of NDOW

by Nevada Department of Wildlife

NDOW has begun its seasonal trout plants at each of the urban ponds. Anglers have been catching their 3-fish limit. Trout are taking PowerBait and nightcrawlers but will also hit a combo meal made from a piece of nightcrawler and a mini marshmallow. When choosing a hook remember that you can catch big fish on small hooks (size 10 or 12), but it’s hard to catch small fish on big hooks. Bass are hitting sporadically. Sometimes on yellow spinners. Catfish have been taking nightcrawlers.

More Reports

Nevada Department of Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, November 27th, 2019

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Lake Mohave: Lake Mohave/ Willow Beach Fishing Report
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Nevada Department of Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, November 20th, 2019

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Lake Mohave: Striper Action Remains Steady
Colorado River - Laughlin: Anglers Enjoying Weekly Rainbow Trout Plants
Las Vegas Urban Ponds: Seasonal Trout Plants Have Begun
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