Columbia River upstream of McNary Dam remains closed to steelhead fishing

by WA Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Effective dates and locations:
- Jan. 1 through March 31, 2020, from McNary Dam upstream to the Hwy. 395 Bridge (Pasco/Kennewick).
- Jan. 1 through April 15, 2020, from the Hwy. 395 Bridge (Pasco/Kennewick) upstream to the Old Hanford townsite powerline crossing.
Species affected: Steelhead.
Reason for action: Conservation measures have been in place since July to protect hatchery and wild B-index steelhead within the Columbia and Snake River basins. Continued protections for these fish will maximize survival and help ensure hatchery broodstock collection goals are met.
Additional information: The 2019 summer steelhead return is the fifth-lowest return to McNary Dam on record since 1954. Adult returns of Ringold Springs Hatchery-origin steelhead are expected to be the lowest on record. This closure is necessary to ensure sufficient numbers of steelhead will be available to meet hatchery broodstock production needs. All other permanent regulations apply.
Information contact: Region 5: 360-696-6211, Region 3: 509-575-2740.
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