Parts of the Snohomish and Stillaguamish systems reopen to hatchery steelhead retention

Photo Credit: Courtesy of Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
by WA Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Action: Returns these waters to permanent rules as listed in the 2019-20 Washington Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet.
Effective date: Feb. 5, 2020.
Species affected: Hatchery steelhead.
- Skykomish River, from Wallace River upstream to the confluence of North and South forks.
- Wallace River, from mouth to 200 feet upstream of water intake of hatchery.
- Snoqualmie River, from boat ramp at Plumb Access to Snoqualmie Falls.
- Tokul Creek, from mouth to posted boundary marker downstream of the diversion dam.
- North Fork Stillaguamish River, from French Creek upstream to Swede Heaven Bridge.
Reason for action: Hatchery broodstock collection has ended for the season.
Additional information: For more information on fisheries in Stillaguamish and Snohomish rivers, see
Information contact: Team Mill Creek, 425-775-1311
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