Warm Weather Has Ice Receding
by Nevada Department of Wildlife
The warm weather has ice receding at South Fork and on Thursday, January 30, the lake was more than 50% open water and the rest unsafe ice. Along the northeast shoreline anglers can fish from shore as much of it is open water. Fly fishermen have been catching trout using a variety of nymphs as well as stripping wooly buggers. Spin anglers should be trying dark colored spinners or minnow type imitations as well as worms or PowerBait. Rainbow colored garlic scented bait seems to be working the best. Fishing in the stream below the dam has also produced some fish.
More Reports
Nevada Department of Wildlife Reports
for Friday, February 7th, 2020
Angel Lake: Completely Frozen Over
Cave Lake: Access to The Lake is Now Permitted
Cold Creek Reservoir: Mostly Open Water
Comins Lake: Lake is Sitting At Capacity
Illipah Reservoir: Reservoir Remains at Capacity
Jakes Creek Reservoir (Boies Reservoir): Covered in 8 Inches of Ice
Jiggs Reservoir (Zunino Reservoir): Unsafe Ice Conditions
Ruby Lake NWR: Ruby Lake Fishing Report
Nevada Department of Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, February 6th, 2020
• Submit Angler Survey By 2/16
Lake Mead: Good Action on Striped Bass
Lake Mohave: Lake Mohave/ Willow Beach Fishing Report
Colorado River - Laughlin: Striper Action Has Picked Up Significantly
Las Vegas Urban Ponds: Las Vegas Urban Ponds Fishing Report
Kirch Wildlife Management Area: Ice is Thin And Unsafe
Eagle Valley Reservoir: Eagle Valley Reservoir Fishing Report
Echo Canyon Reservoir: Thin Ice and Open Areas
• NDOW Southern Fishing Report