Steelhead Fishing Has Slowed Down
by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Winter steelhead fishing has slowed down on the Siletz River as of late. The low clear water has made for tougher conditions and the fishing has slowed. Expect more of the same until we get some more rain. Anglers are still catching fish throughout the system with a mix of hatchery and wild fish.
Reminded to keep wild fish in the water and release immediately after landing to minimize negative impacts to these fish. Winter steelhead typically start to how up in December and peak January through March.
The 4.0 mile bridge (aka Steel Bridge) in the Siletz gorge is open to motorized vehicles, but is only open to public vehicles on the weekend. Anglers can walk/bike in the road during the weekdays. If anglers do walk in they can park at the one mile gate and start from there.
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