Southern California and Central Coast Mountain Lion ESU StatusReview Notice
by Fish and Game Commission
To whom it may concern:
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (Department) has initiated a status review of a proposed evolutionarily significant unit (ESU) of mountain lions (Puma concolor) in southern and central coastal California pursuant to Fish and Game Code section 2074.6, and is providing this notice pursuant to Fish and Game Code section 2074.4 to solicit data and comments on the petitioned action from interested and affected parties.
The Department has initiated this status review following the Fish and Game
Commission's (Commission) decision to accept for consideration the petition to list mountain lion populations within the proposed ESU under the California Endangered Species Act (CESA) at its April 16, 2020 meeting. Having provided public notice (Cal. Reg. Notice Reg. 2020, No. 18-Z, p. 692; Fish & Game Code, § 2074.2), mountain lion populations in the proposed ESU are now a candidate species under CESA. The listing petition and the Department's petition evaluation report for the mountain lion are
available at:
The Department has 12 months to review the petition, evaluate the available
information, and report back to the Commission whether the petitioned action is warranted (Fish & Game Code, § 2074.6). The Department's recommendation must be based on the best scientific information available to the Department (Fish & Game Code, § 2074.6).
Anyone with data or comments on the taxonomic status, genetics, life history, range, distribution, abundance, population trend, threats to their survival, habitat that may be essential for the species, management recommendations, or other factors related to the status of mountain lions in the proposed ESU, is hereby requested to provide such data or comments to the Department.
Written comments or data related to the petitioned action should be directed to the Department contact via email (; include "Mountain Lion ESU" in the subject line. Comments may also be submitted by mail, addressed to: California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Wildlife Branch, Attn: Esther Burkett/Mountain Lion ESU, P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090. Submission of information via email is preferred.
Responses and information received by August 7, 2020 will be evaluated for possible incorporation in the Department's final report to the Commission. The Department's Southern California and Central Coast Mountain Lion ESU Status Review Notice written report will indicate, based on the best scientific information available, whether the Department concludes that the petitioned action is warranted or not warranted. Receipt of the report will be placed on the agenda for the next available meeting of the Commission after delivery. The report will be made available to the public at that time. Following receipt of the Department's report, the Commission will allow a 30-day public comment period prior to taking any action on the Department's recommendation.
As a candidate species, mountain lions within the proposed ESU receive the same legal protection afforded to an endangered or threatened species under CESA (Fish & Game Code, § 2085). Research on mountain lions within the proposed ESU requires appropriate permits issued pursuant to Fish & Game Code, § 2081(a). Interested researchers should contact Ms. Burkett for more information.
If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Burkett via email, or by telephone at (916) 531-1594.