Pintail Limits for Next Season

by California Department of Fish & Wildlife
Question: I have heard the pintail limit for this upcoming season (2020-21) will be one per day. Is this true? Is it possible we could have a two pintail limit? (Rob)
Answer: The 2020-21 waterfowl hunting season regulations were adopted at the April Fish and Game Commission meeting. States must set their waterfowl hunting regulations within the federal frameworks. These frameworks describe the earliest dates that waterfowl hunting seasons may open, the maximum number of days hunting can occur, the latest dates that hunting seasons must close and the maximum daily bag limit. The frameworks for the 2020-21 season only allow for a pintail daily bag limit of one.
Pintail bag limits are determined by the pintail harvest strategy – mathematical models that predict the most appropriate bag limit to ensure the pintail population is sustainable into the future while providing hunting opportunity. The current strategy does allow for a two-bird daily bag limit, but current data, including the 2019 population estimate, mandate that the bag limit remain at one per day for the 2020-21 season. The pintail population has declined every year since 2011.
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