Looking Amazing for The Foreseeable Future

by The Fly Fishers Place
On the Metolius things are looking amazing for the foreseeable future. In fact, I’d say the next 6 to 8 weeks are often the best weeks of the year as we see strong hatches and great bull trout fishing.
For hatches you can expect to see the following:
Mayflies- Blue Wing Olive #18-22, Pale Morning Dun #16-18, Mahogany Dun #16, Flav’s #14, Fall Green Drakes #8-12
Caddis- Tan #16, Yellowish Tan #18-20, Olive #16-18, Grey #14-16
Stoneflies- Golden Stones #10-12, Salmonfly #6-8, Willowfly #4-6, Little Olive Stones #16-20, Yellow Sally #16-18 and there will always be some midges and terrestrials in play!
I love it. It can be frustrating when there are 3 or 4 things hatching all at the same time and we have to figure out what the fish is eating, and at what stage. Days they are totally keyed to ONE thing is sometimes harder with all the distractions of all the other hatches. But one thing that you’ll find is it depends on the time of day and the section of river that will determine the choice of fly.
Fire situation continues to be positive down on the river, in Camp Sherman and around the camp sites.
More Reports
The Fly Fishers Place Reports
for Saturday, August 29th, 2020
Three Creek Lake: Still Fishing Well With Callibaetis and Chironomids
Hosmer Lake: Hosmer is Good With Callibeatis and Damsels
Crane Prairie Reservoir: Crane is Fishing Good
Paulina Lake: Paulina Lake Fishing Report
East Lake: East Lake is Getting The 2nd Brood of Callibaetis in Good Numbers
McKenzie River: The McKenzie is Fishing Awesome
Fall River: Fall River is Fine, Crowded and With Decent Hatches
Crooked River: Good PMD Hatches and Excellent Nymphing
Deschutes River- Lower: Nymphing The Days for Trout is Good
The Fly Fishers Place Reports
for Saturday, August 22nd, 2020
Three Creek Lake: 3 Creeks Lake is Fishing Well
Hosmer Lake: Good Callibaetis Spinner Fall in The Morning
Crane Prairie Reservoir: Crane Prairie is Good in The Quinn and Deschutes Area
Paulina Lake: Olive and Black Balanced Leeches Have Been Really Good
East Lake: Few More Callibaetis Hatching This Week
Crooked River: The Crooked River is a Mixed Bag
Fall River: Go Early Or Go Late
McKenzie River: The McKenzie is Great as it Has Been All Summer
Deschutes River: Increasingly Good Dry Fly Action in The Evening to Dark
Metolius River: The Metolius is Still One to Proceed With Caution