Lower Columbia River salmon fishery update

Photo Credit: Courtesy of WDFW
by WA Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Action: Increase adult Chinook daily limit.
Species affected: Salmon.
Locations, dates, and rules:
- From the mouth (Buoy 10 line) to the Rocky Point/Tongue Point line: salmon and steelhead:
- Oct. 1-Oct. 31: Daily limit 6 salmon. Up to 2 adults may be retained. Release all salmon other than Chinook and hatchery coho. Coho min. size 16". Release all steelhead.
- Nov. 1-Dec. 31: Daily limit 6 salmon. Up to 2 adults may be retained, up to 1 may be a steelhead. Release all salmon other than Chinook and hatchery coho. Coho min. size 16". Release wild steelhead.
- From the Rocky Point/Tongue Point line to Bonneville Dam:
- Oct. 1-Oct. 31: Daily limit 6 salmon. Up to 2 adults may be retained. Release all salmon other than Chinook and hatchery coho. Release all steelhead. Salmon min. size 12".
- Nov. 1-Dec. 31: Daily limit 6 salmon. Up to 2 adults may be retained, up to 1 may be a steelhead. Release all salmon other than Chinook and hatchery coho. Coho min. size 16". Release wild steelhead.
- From Bonneville Dam to the Hood River Bridge: salmon and steelhead:
- Oct. 1-Oct. 15: Daily limit 6 salmon. Up to 2 adults may be retained. Release all salmon other than Chinook and hatchery coho. Release all steelhead. Salmon min. size 12". Anti-snagging rule in effect. Only fish hooked inside the mouth may be retained.
- Oct. 16-Oct. 31: Daily limit 6 salmon. Up to 2 adults may be retained. Release all salmon other than Chinook and hatchery coho. Release all steelhead. Salmon min. size 12".
- Nov. 1-Dec. 31: Daily limit 6 salmon. Up to 2 adults may be retained, up to 1 may be a steelhead. Release all salmon other than Chinook and hatchery coho. Coho min. size 16". Release wild steelhead.
- From the Hood River Bridge to The Dalles Dam: salmon and steelhead:
- Oct. 1-Oct. 15: Daily limit 6 salmon. Up to 2 adults may be retained. Release all salmon other than Chinook and coho. Release all steelhead. Salmon min. size 12". Anti-snagging rule in effect. Only fish hooked inside the mouth may be retained.
- Oct. 16-Oct. 31: Daily limit 6 salmon. Up to 2 adults may be retained. Release all salmon other than Chinook and coho. Release all steelhead. Salmon min. size 12".
- Nov. 1-Dec. 31: Daily limit 6 salmon. Up to 2 adults may be retained, up to 1 may be a steelhead. Release all salmon other than Chinook and coho. Coho min. size 16". Release wild steelhead.
- From The Dalles Dam to the Hwy. 395 Bridge at Pasco: salmon and steelhead:
- Oct. 1-Oct. 15: Daily limit 6 salmon. Up to 2 adults may be retained. Release all salmon other than Chinook and coho. Release all steelhead. Salmon min. size 12". Anti-snagging rule in effect. Only fish hooked inside the mouth may be retained.
- Oct. 16-Dec. 31: Daily limit 6 salmon. Up to 2 adults may be retained. Release all salmon other than Chinook and coho. Release all steelhead. Salmon min. size 12".
Reason for action: This action is being taken to increase the adult Chinook daily limit to 2 fish per day as sufficient impacts to Endangered Species Act-listed Chinook remain available under the preseason fishing plan.
Additional information: Anglers are reminded that barbless hooks are required for salmon and steelhead downstream of the Washington-Oregon border at Hwy. 730.
Please refer to permanent rules for dates not listed above.
Information contact: Region 5: 360-696-6211; Region 3: 509-575-2740
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