Good Afternoon Hatch of BWO's

Photo Credit: Courtesy of The Fly Fishers Place
by The Fly Fishers Place
The Metolius is good, with an afternoon hatch of BWO’s #18-20 bringing fish to the surface from about noon to 1:30 or so.
You’ll run into October Caddis and some smaller caddis mixed in. Pupa patterns are certainly going to be most useful in matching late afternoon caddis emergences.
Nymphing with Stonefly’s is a winter staple and now is no exception.
Eggs, Perdigons, Zebra Midge, Micro Mayfly, Frenchie, Jigs, Copper John and Rainbow Warriors have been great nymphs for us.
Bull Trout are eating streamers best, but it is a good time of the year for nymphing for Bull’s. Always good to try a Red Chironomid or Red Lightning Bug for BT’s.
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