Fall River is On and Off

Photo Credit: Courtesy of The Fly Fisher's Place
by The Fly Fishers Place
Fall River is on and off. The fish seem to move around a lot, so places you might have seen them last week doesn’t mean they will be there today. It’s weird but I suspect a few things: Otters, fishing pressure and fish seeking out food.
I would love to see Fall River go to a C&R regulation as I know people are going there and whacking some of those big fish.
Afternoon hatches of BWO, Midges, Little Black Stones and a few Caddis are all on the menu.
Nymphs and Streamers are really solid bets, especially Zebra Midges, Tungsten Micro Mayflies, Tungsten Perdigons and Frenchies.
More Reports
The Fly Fishers Place Reports
for Thursday, February 4th, 2021Crooked River: Crooked River is Running a Consistent 50 CFS
Deschutes River: The Middle Deschutes is About Ready to Pop for the 1st Good Hatch of The Year
Deschutes River- Lower: Good Bet For Fishing in February
The Fly Fishers Place Reports
for Saturday, January 9th, 2021Crooked River: Crooked River Report
Fall River: Nymphing is Good But the Fish are Educated
Deschutes River: The Middle Deschutes is Running High
Deschutes River- Lower: Euro Nymphing Has Been Picking up
Lake Billy Chinook: Lake Billy Chinook Report
Prinevile Reservoir: Prineville Reservoir Report