High Water Has Been Making it Difficult to Get Out There
by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Winter steelhead fishing continues to be slow on the Siuslaw and the high water is making it difficult to get out there. The river will be dropping into shape over the weekend and into next week and should help improve the fishing. The Siuslaw typically peaks in February and starts to slow down in March. The Whitaker Creek area is the best place to target returning hatchery fish.
Hatchery fish are also planted in Lake Creek and are released into Green Creek. These returning hatchery fish will start to show up in December and peak in January and February.
More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, February 25th, 2021
Dog Lake: Yellow Perch Catches Are Measuring up to 14 Inches!
Applegate River: Anglers Reported Catching A Few Winter Fish
Diamond Lake: There Were A Few Anglers on The Lake But No Recent Report
Fish Lake : Fish Lake Cabins Are Currently Available
Howard Prairie Reservoir: Expect a sunny cold weekend and ice on the water
Illinois River: Conditions should be pretty prime through late week
Lake Selmac: Received 5,00 Rainbows 2/13
Lost Creek Lake: The Takelma ramp is currently the only ramp open and usable
Rogue River - Middle: Wild steelhead can now be retained in the whole Rogue basin
Rogue River- Upper: If the Middle Rogue looks blown out, the upper river is never a bad place to target
Rogue River- Upper (Above Lost Creek): Hwy 62 Webcame at Union Creek Showed Bare Pavement
Umpqua River: Umpqua River Report
Alsea River: Winter steelhead fishing continues to be slow on the Alsea
Siletz River: High Water Has Been Making it Tough to Fish Each Week

CLACKAMAS, Ore. – Fishery managers from Oregon and Washington adopted recreational spring Chinook salmon and steelhead seasons for the Columbia River...... Read More