Conditions Are Looking Good
by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Conditions are looking good for the foreseeable future. The water is clear and below 1000 cfs, so fish will be in deeper slots once sun is on the water. Low water fishing can be pretty productive out here. There is one week left in the winter steelhead season, with the river closing to steelhead and trout fishing on April 1.
Wild steelhead may be harvested if they are over 24 inches long and caught between Klondike Creek and Fall Creek, or from 400 feet above Illinois Falls to Pomeroy Dam. Only 1 may be kept per day and 3 per calendar year, zone-wide. Additionally, it’s illegal to fish 200 feet below the fishway at Pomeroy Dam. The river and tributaries above Pomeroy are always closed to fishing.
There is good public bank access along 8 Dollar Rd. just north of Kerby, and Illinois River Rd. outside of Selma, all the way downstream to Miami Bar. Be advised the road to Briggs Creek can be a bit muddy after a rain, but it’s not rutted and is relatively hard packed within the puddles. Most anglers fish along the road, or choose to hike in at various trailheads along the river.
Check the USGS Kerby guage which provides up to date river flow information.
More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Friday, March 26th, 2021
Ana Reservoir: Ana Reservoir Report
Ana River: Recent fly-fishing reports indicate fishing has been slow
Campbell Reservoir: Warmer weather this weekend might put bass on the bite
Gerber Reservoir: Lake is Ice Free
Upper Klamath Lake: Catch Rates Are Low
Klamath River - Upper - OR: Klamath River Report
Priday Reservoir: Stocked Last Week With 200 Trophy Rainbow Trout
Willow Valley Reservoir: Willow Valley Reservoir Report
Applegate Reservoir: Steelhead Fishing Will be Closed April 1st
Ben Irving Reservoir: Fishing Should Still Be Good
Chetco River: Peak Spawning is Right Around The Corner
Coquille River: Steelhead Fishing is Virtually Done For The Year
Elk River: Anglers Have Been Doing Pretty Well
Emigrant Reservoir: Trout Stocking Has Been Postponed Until April
Fish Lake : Ice Fishing is Probably on Hold This Weekend
Floras Lake: Floras Lake Report
Garrison Lake: Stocked Earlier This Month
Howard Prairie Reservoir: Fishing Has Been Slow

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