ODFW hosts virtual public meeting on commercial market squid fishery

A seine vessel headed into Newport to offload market squid.
Photo Credit: Courtesy of ODFW

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

NEWPORT, Ore – Oregon commercial squid fishers, processors and anyone interested in commercial market squid are invited to a virtual public meeting Thursday, May 20 from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

ODFW fishery managers are seeking input on directions given to them by the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission to evaluate several items including forming an industry advisory committee, a limited entry control date, net size restrictions, and vessel monitoring systems. This direction was given at the Commission's March 2021 meeting.

Input will also be taken on an orderly development of the fishery, gear conflicts, bycatch of other species, and squid harvest sustainability and attendees will be updated on the market squid fishery.

  • Meeting ID: 160 578 8076
  • To join by teleconference using your phone:

Dial by your location:

1-551-285-1373 US
1-669-254-5252 US (San Jose)
1-646-828-7666 US (New York)
Outside the US, find your local number: https://www.zoomgov.com/u/ahAR25Jj6

Oregon's market squid fishery is fairly new as far as commercial fisheries goes with a few pulses of effort in the mid-1980s through 2015. The fishery took off in 2016 around the same time that surveys started to show market squid populations increasing off Oregon. Marine biologists theorize the population growth may be due to warmer than normal ocean waters off the Pacific Northwest driven by climate events such as El Nino and marine heatwaves.

Check Oregon's commercial fishery for market squid website for more information or contact ODFW offices in Newport at 541-867-4741 or Charleston at 541-888-5515. For questions or comments, contact Troy Buell at 541-867-0300 x225.


Troy Buell, 541-961-8135  troy.v.buell@odfw.oregon.gov 
Meghan Dugan, 541-464-2179 meghan.c.dugan@odfw.oregon.gov

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OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, May 5th, 2021
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Ana River: The River is Spring Fed and Can Be Fished Year-Round
Campbell Reservoir: Snow Drifts Impacting Access
Chewaucan River: Access is Available to the Chewaucan Upstream of Paisley
Cottonwood Reservoir: Large Drifts of Snow Impacting Access
Duncan Reservoir: Low Reservoir and Will Not Get Stocked This Year
Upper Klamath Lake: Open All Year
Lake Of The Woods: Excellent Fishing
Sky Lakes Wilderness Lakes: All Lakes are Mostly Inaccessible Due to Snow
North Fork Sprague River: Open Year Round But Access Might be Difficult Due to Snow in Upper River
Sun Creek: Fishing is Not Recommended at This Time
Sycan River: Open All Year
Thompson Valley Reservoir: Reservoir was Stocked the Week of April 9
Willow Valley Reservoir: Largemouth Bass Fishing Can be Good in May
Ben Irving Reservoir: Reservoir was Stocked at the Beginning of March
Diamond Lake: Time To Go Fishing!
Galesville Reservoir: Lots of Trout Available!
Hemlock Lake: Fishing Should Be good
Howard Prairie Reservoir: Recently Received 5,000 Rainbow Trout
Hyatt Lake: Recently Stocked With 5,000 Legal Rainbow Trout
Medco Pond: Received 2,000 Leagal Rainbow Trout Two Weeks Ago
Rogue River- Lower: Fishing Pressure has Increased
Rogue River - Middle: Trout Fishing on the Rogue is Closed and Reopens on May 22
Rogue River- Upper: The Hatchery Hole is Closed to All Fishing Through July 31
Umpqua River: Access May be Limited Due to Last Summer's Wildfires
Alsea River: Trout Fishing in Streams Will Open on May 22
Nestucca River: Spring Chinook Fishing is Slow
Siltcoos Lake: Spring Spawn Coming Soon
Siletz River: Remains Open Year Round for Steelhead Fishing
Tillamook Bay: Spring Chinook Fishing is Slow
Trask River: Still a Little Slow
Wilson River: Summer Steelhead Should Start Showing Up
Detroit Reservoir: Lake Was Stocked With 2,100 One-Pound Trout Last Week
EE Wilson Angling Pond: Trout Will Be Stocked Again This Week
Junction City Pond: Pond Will be Stocked This Week With 2,500 Hatchery Trout
Quartzville Creek: First Stock of The Year This Week
Santiam River ( North Fork) Above Detroit Lake: New Regulations Implemented This Year
Santiam River ( North Fork) Above Detroit Lake: Highway Along the Upper North Santiam Has Re-Opened
Walling Pond: About 1,500 Trout Will Be Restocked This Week
Umatilla River: Spring Chinook Fishery Will Not Be Open This Year
Willow Lake: Anglers are starting to catch fish in Willow Creek