Excellent Fishing

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Fishing will be excellent. Lake of the Woods will be heavily stocked with Trophy (18 inches) and legal rainbow trout (10 inches) this week. Best fishing is from a boat. Open all year.  

Fishing will be slow for many of the warmwater species in the lake. Fishing for yellow perch is your best bet. Smallmouth bass are more common west of the Lodge near the rocky areas of the lake. The lake is dominated by stunted yellow perch. Very small bait and hooks will catch these fish.


More Reports

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, May 5th, 2021
$10,000 reward for information on three elk poached near Bend
Ana Reservoir: Will Be Stocked This Week
Ana River: The River is Spring Fed and Can Be Fished Year-Round
Campbell Reservoir: Snow Drifts Impacting Access
Chewaucan River: Access is Available to the Chewaucan Upstream of Paisley
Cottonwood Reservoir: Large Drifts of Snow Impacting Access
Duncan Reservoir: Low Reservoir and Will Not Get Stocked This Year
Upper Klamath Lake: Open All Year

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, April 29th, 2021

Willamette River: Two rods allowed in upper Willamette starting May 1
ODFW Recreation Report