Paulina Lake is a Good Bet

by The Fly Fishers Place
Paulina is a much better bet, with good terrestrial action near the shoreline and chironomids deep at about 12-15 feet. This week continues to see #18-20 Olive chironomids working best. Red, Chrome and Gun Metal Pupa’s were also good for me. Water is clear with a few areas of floating algae and plants but overall in great shape.
More Reports
The Fly Fishers Place Reports
for Saturday, June 5th, 2021
Deschutes River- Lower: Lower Deschutes is Quickly Waning on the Salmonfly and Goldenstone Hatches
Deschutes River: The Middle Deschutes is Fishing Well
Deschutes River- Upper: The Upper Deschutes is Good From Crane to Little Lava
Crooked River: The Crooked is Still Getting a Big Caddis Hatch in The Afternoon
Fall River: The Fall River is Good
McKenzie River: The Mckenzie Water Levels Spiked a Bit With Some Runoff This Week
Three Creek Lake: Three Creeks Lake is Fishing Well
East Lake: East Lake is Not a Strong Choice Yet
The Fly Fishers Place Reports
for Friday, May 28th, 2021
Deschutes River- Lower: The Lower Deschutes is Good and Getting Better
Metolius River: The Metolius is Open in All Sections
Fall River: Fall River is Good in All Sections
Crooked River: The Mother's Day Caddis Hatch Continues to Roll on the Crooked River
Deschutes River: The Middle Deschutes is Good From Bend to Lake Billy Chinook
Deschutes River- Upper: The Upper Deschutes was Quiet This Week
McKenzie River: The Mckenzie is Fishing Great
Crane Prairie Reservoir: Seeing a Surprising Amount of Calibaetis on Crane Prairie
Paulina Lake: Good Fishing on Paulina Lake
Lava Lake: Rough Weather on Lava Lake This Past Week
East Lake: East Lake is Clearing Up and Fishing Pretty Well
Hosmer Lake: Good Fishing on Hosmer Lake