The Lower Deschutes from Warm Springs to Trout Creek continues to be good

by The Fly Fishers Place
The Lower Deschutes from Warm Springs to Trout Creek continues to be good. So often this time of year the day time fishing is hit and miss and the evening fishing is outstanding. I talked to a few people this week who fished it and it was surprisingly excellent even during the mid day for 2/3rds of them. The other third said he whacked ’em on dries in the evening so he didn’t care what the day was like. I was talking to some folks who went out with our guide Ben and they had a fantastic day, and I asked if they stayed until dark and they said no, they didn’t need to. Fishing was good mid day. Every experience and every day is a little different , but trends this time of year get fish moving under trees, and in back eddies and in shallows below weed beds feeding on small caddis, PMD’s, and sometimes Pale Evening Dun spinners mid day. Later afternoon will see the PED hatch up to sunset along with a lot more caddis coming off.
We’d say Euro Nymphing is certainly out numbering the traditional indicator or dry dropper techniques but all have a seat at the table. Fish are eating a lot of caddis pupa now.
I saw an Facebook Post where a known Jet Boat guide was tagged, his clients were holding a wild steelhead out of the water yesterday. Seriously, what the F*** is going on for someone to be that stupid? Water near 70 or more, that fish has travelled through 2 dams and the heat of the columbia river, and that’s how you treat a wild fish. I am hopeful we will have a steelhead season in October and November and probably December too. I ask my friends and customers and guides to wait for cooler weather, cooler water and a sign the run is improving. Right now it is all bad.
Buy a trout spey and swing soft hackles and small streamers for trout upriver from South Jct. but leave the steelhead alone for now.
More Reports
The Fly Fishers Place Reports
for Saturday, July 31st, 2021
Metolius River: On the Metolius, hatches are good
Fall River: Over at the Fall River the fishing continues to be very good this summer
Crooked River: Crooked River is running at 200 cfs as they attempt to conserve some water in the reservoir
The Fly Fishers Place Reports
for Saturday, July 24th, 2021
Metolius River: The Metolius continues to be our bread and butter,
Crooked River: The Crooked River remains a good place to fish as flows are stable for now
Deschutes River- Lower: The Lower Deschutes has a split story
Deschutes River: Deschutes River Report
McKenzie River: The McKenzie is fishing really well for us
Fall River: Fall River is good
Santiam River ( North Fork) : The Upper North Santiam is a really good place to go now
Crane Prairie Reservoir: All the same surface temps in the mid-70’s
Hosmer Lake: Hosmer is Another Place We Should Let Rest
East Lake: East Lake is producing a lot of kokanee on nymphs