The Crooked River has a lot of PMD hatches, usually after lunch

Photo Credit: Courtesy of The Fly Fishers Place
by The Fly Fishers Place
The Crooked River has a lot of PMD hatches, usually after lunch, about 1 and going to about 3 or 4. The fish want to eat the PMD’s at the surface, even if the hatch is light.
Nymphing is just excellent almost all day, with Perdigons, Zebra Midges, Split Case PMD, Skinny Nelson and Jig Leeches doing well for us.
More Reports
The Fly Fishers Place Reports
for Saturday, August 14th, 2021
Metolius River: Fishing is quite good and should stay that way until at least November
Fall River: Don’t forget what a good terrestrial river Fall River can be
The Fly Fishers Place Reports
for Monday, August 9th, 2021
Metolius River: There are a lot of Bull Trout in the system
Fall River: Fall River hatches have been slower this week, and they were focused on small leeches and tiny midge nymphs
Crooked River: All the guides were talking about good fishing on the Crooked River
Deschutes River- Lower: Nice afternoon fishing in the eddies
McKenzie River: McKenzie river is fishing excellent
Deschutes River- Upper: A lot of good whitefish holes
East Lake: East Lake is fishing much better
Paulina Lake: Paulina Lake is continuing to fish well
Hosmer Lake: Hosmer Lake in the channel is a good/safe bet
Three Creek Lake: Callibaetis hatches are good,