Fall River has provided some consistent winter fishing

by The Fly Fishers Place
Fall River has provided some consistent winter fishing over the past two weeks. The fish are definitely a bit slowed down and word has it there have been a fair number of anglers out there. This means that spreading out and coving water is to your advantage. Snow and frigid temperatures are on their way. This may slow the action down but it’ll also thin the crowds a bit. The blue wing olive hatches have been a bit sparse but this also may change with the weather. Occasionally, you’ll see an amazing BWO hatch on a really cold snowy day. Make sure to cover the different baetis life cycle stages, nymph, emerger, cripple, and dun. Size 18 - 22 is a good range for this time of year on the Fall. Midges are the only other bug hatching right now. Zebra midges work well but mixing it up with something slightly different may get you a few more fish. Beadwing midges, biot midges, and disco midges are good ones to try out. Tight lines and happy holidays from the Fly and Field crew, we’ll be back with more fishing reports in 2022!
Suggested Dries: Sparkle Dun BWO #16-20, Hackle Stacker BWO #16-22, Olive Haze #16-18, Tilt Wing BWO #16-18, Parachute Adams #16-20, Stillborn Midge #18-20
Suggested Nymphs: Black or Red Zebra Midge #18-22, Black or Red Winkers Midge #18-22, Biot Midge #18-22, Disco Midge #18-22, Black or Olive Tailwater Tiny #18-22, Black or Red Rainbow Warrior #18-20, Olive Micro May #18-20, FB Pheasant Tail #16-20, Slim Shady Olive #18-20, Olive or HE Anato-May #16-20
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for Friday, December 24th, 2021
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The Fly Fishers Place Reports
for Monday, December 6th, 2021
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