Drano Lake fisheries return to permanent rule
by WA Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Action: Returns the salmon and steelhead angling rules for Drano Lake to those listed in the 2021-2022 Sport Fishing Rules Pamphlet; all other permanent rules remain in effect.
Effective date: May 6, 2022.
Species affected: Salmon and steelhead.
Location: Drano Lake – In the waters downstream of markers on point of land downstream and across from Little White Salmon National Fish Hatchery and upstream of the Highway 14 bridge.
Rules: Salmon and steelhead rules, as listed in the 2021-22 Washington Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet, through June 30: Salmon min. size 12”. Daily limit 2 hatchery steelhead or 2 salmon or 1 of each. Release all salmon other than hatchery Chinook.
Reason for action: The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife reduced the adult salmon daily limit in Drano Lake earlier this year to help ensure that broodstock collection at Little White Salmon National Fish Hatchery (LWSNFH) would be achieved in 2022. Returns of adult spring Chinook to LWSNFH have been good and the broodstock collection goal was recently achieved. With broodstock collection at this facility met, fisheries can be reopened under permanent rules.
Additional information: Staff continues to monitor Wind River broodstock collection, as well, and will update salmon and steelhead seasons accordingly.
Anglers are reminded to check the Washington Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet for additional information.
If you would like to stay up to date on Fishing Rule Changes as they are announced, you can sign up for the agency email list at https://wdfw.wa.gov/about/lists.
Information contact: Matt Gardner, District Fish Biologist, 360-906-6746
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