We are seeing increasing numbers of Green Drakes and PMD’s

by The Fly Fishers Place
On the Metolius we are seeing increasing numbers of Green Drakes and PMD’s. With the warm days coming back I also foresee a better emergence of caddis and warm enough evenings when an angler (like you or me for example) would want to fish until dark and see if the fish were sipping rusty spinners at dusk. Sometimes when it’s cold and windy, those rusty spinners come back to lay eggs mid-day and can be overshadowed by other hatches or they go unnoticed by the fish because the “fall” is so spread out instead of the condensed timing of it all at dusk when the fish really get keyed on them. We love the Harrops CDC Parachute Rusty Spinner and my own Sunset Spinner which I developed fishing the evening spinner falls on the Metolius several years back.
For dry fly windows we are looking at noon to 5 for Drakes and PMD’s with some possibilities of caddis and BWO’s in there too. From 6 to Dusk Caddis, Rusty Spinners and BWO’s are most likely.
SUNDAY 5/22/22 The UPPER RIVER from the headwaters to the Allingham Bridge opens for the season. AWESOME RIGHT?! See you up there. I’ll be euro nymphing for sure.
More Reports
The Fly Fishers Place Reports
for Sunday, May 22nd, 2022
East Lake: East Lake Fishing Report
Paulina Lake: Paulina Lake Fishing Report
Crane Prairie Reservoir: Crane Prairie Fishing Report
Hosmer Lake: Hosmer Lake still snowed in
Deschutes River- Lower: This week could be absolutely perfect conditions for the hatch
The Fly Fishers Place Reports
for Sunday, May 15th, 2022
Metolius River: Caddis emergences is fairly good and will improve as the days get warmer and drier
Deschutes River- Lower: Nymph action is really productive
Deschutes River: The Middle Deschutes Salmonfly is on
Crooked River: The Crooked River is pretty good
Fall River: Plenty of fish all over the river and good hatches
McKenzie River: The McKenzie is in runoff mode and quite high
• South Twin is fishing probably the best of all the local lakes at this time
Paulina Lake: Paulina Lake is open and I am told the docks are in
East Lake: East Lake Report
Three Creek Lake: Heavy snow pack