Bass fishing has picked up
by Nevada Department of Wildlife
Anglers report that trout fishing from shore has slowed but for those who can get on the water either in a float tube or boat success has been better but not as good as it has been. Perch fishing has been poor due to the die-off though a few are being reported in the creel with few to no perch being reported in the creel. Bass fishing has picked up and anglers report some nice bass, though they must be immediately returned to the lake until July 1. Windy conditions seem to provide better fishing success for trout than calm conditions though the winds forecast for this weekend may make it dangerous to be on the water. For trout, the same fly patterns continue to work as fly fishermen are having some success with wine colored leech patterns as well as wine or red chironomids. Olive, wine and black/blood leeches and buggers have also produced a few fish. For bait anglers try fishing an inflated worm a few feet off the bottom using a slip sinker in water that is eight to 12 feet deep. Another option would be to roll some PowerBait to make a bell shape and fish it in a similar fashion to the inflated worm using a slip sinker and it will float up a couple of feet above the bottom. Make sure to dip the PowerBait in the water for a few seconds after it is on the hook to “gel” it up so it doesn’t come off the hook when casting. Wildhorse was stocked with 10,000 trout in early April, approximately 5,000 trout in May and 500 wipers a few weeks ago. No black bass may be kept until July 1. Please return all black bass to the lake as soon as they are caught
More Reports
Nevada Department of Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, June 15th, 2022
Lake Mead: Anglers are catching a mixed bag of stripers and black bass
Lake Mohave: The lake is producing channel catfish in and around the coves
Colorado River - Laughlin: Anglers are reporting success from the dam through Casino Row
Las Vegas Urban Ponds: Bluegill and catfish are the go-to fish to catch in the ponds
Kirch Wildlife Management Area: Windy and warm days are ahead
Eagle Valley Reservoir: Murky waters made fishing tough for some anglers recently
Echo Canyon Reservoir: The warmer temperatures are impacting shore fishing opportunities
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Nevada Department of Wildlife Reports
for Friday, June 10th, 2022
Comins Lake: Surface water temperatures are in the mid to high 60’s
Illipah Reservoir: Surface water temperatures have moved into the mid 60’s
South Fork Reservoir: South Fork Reservoir Fishing Report
Cold Creek Reservoir: The lake has filled nicely and stocking resumed this spring
Jakes Creek Reservoir (Boies Reservoir): The lake is full, surface water temperatures have climbed into the mid 60’s
Ruby Lake NWR: Expect fair bass fishing to begin with until the water gets a bit warmer
Angel Lake: Anglers continue to report good fishing
Lamoille Creek: Lamoille Creek was down significantly from last week flowing at 332 cfs
Kingston Creek: As of June 10, Kingston Creek was flowing at 3.0 cfs.
Cleve Creek: As of June 10, Cleve Creek was flowing at 4.3 cfs.
Steptoe Creek: As of June 10, Steptoe Creek was flowing at 2.4 cfs
Cave Lake: Cave Lake is lowered to minimum and unfishable
Bruneau River: As of June 10, the Bruneau River was flowing at 127 cfs
Humboldt River: Flows on the South Fork of the Humboldt are up
• NDOW Eastern Fishing Report