Will be stocked again this week
by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Will be stocked again this week with 3,000 hatchery rainbow trout. Clear Lake is accessed from Hwy. 126 approximately Clear Lake is accessed from Hwy. 126 approximately 70 miles east of Springfield. Linn County’s Clear Lake Resort rents cabins and boats.
More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, June 23rd, 2022Grande Ronde River: Flows on the Grande Ronde River have been dropping
Imnaha River: Trout fishing may be good during periods of moderated flows
Umatilla River: Summer steelhead fishing on the Umatilla River is now closed
Wallowa River: Flows on the Wallowa River probably will be somewhat elevated over the next couple weeks
Lake Billy Chinook: Bass are biting well
Gamefish limits and gear restrictions lifted for Malheur and Warm Springs Reservoirs, including portions of the Malheur River
Malheur Reservoir
HINES, Ore. – Due to drought conditions and low water levels in the Malheur Reservoir, Warm Springs Reservoir, and portions of...... Read More