Callibaetis are going to explode

by The Fly Fishers Place
East Lake is fishing is good, and is going to be great in the next week I’m guessing. Why? Right now a ton of the rainbows are along the banks going through the motions of the spawn. Successfully? Probably not, but they have that on their minds. When that is over and they really get to feeding, it is going to coincide with the optimal water temps (we finally got out of the 40’s and into the mid 50’s, and it’ll hit high 50’s or low 60’s really quick now)
Chironomids are hatching great. Red on the bottom and black on the dropper is a good starting point. Chromie is a must for the box and to try every day.
Beetles and Ants are good.
Callibaetis are going to explode. Haven’t quite seen them yet, but it’s so close.
More Reports
The Fly Fishers Place Reports
for Friday, June 24th, 2022Deschutes River- Lower: The Lower Deschutes is fishing so good
Deschutes River: The Middle Deschutes is in good shape
Deschutes River- Upper: The Upper Deschutes from Crane up to the Little Lava Lake area is good
Fall River: The Fall River is in summer shape
Crooked River: The Crooked is very low, but fishing okay in the upper
McKenzie River: The Mckenzie is back in good shape
Paulina Lake: This week there were a number of big and mid-size flying ants on the water
Hosmer Lake: Nice Callibaetis hatches are occurring now
Crane Prairie Reservoir: Crane Prairie is getting better in the Deschutes and Cultus areas
Three Creek Lake: Three Creeks Lake is fishing well on Leeches and Chironomids
North Twin Lake: Good Reports From Both Twins
The Fly Fishers Place Reports
for Sunday, June 19th, 2022Deschutes River- Lower: Fully transitioned to summer hatches
Deschutes River: Fishing well after the high water last weekend
Deschutes River- Upper: Upper D is well stocked
Fall River: The Fall River was excellent for us this week
Crooked River: Crooked River Report
McKenzie River: The McKenzie is down to about 5000 cfs today
Three Creek Lake: Black Caddis in the evening ought to pop this upcoming week
Crane Prairie Reservoir: Crane Prairie in the Deschutes and Cultus areas are fishing better
Hosmer Lake: Hosmer Lake Fishing Report
Lava Lake: Lava Lake Fishing Report
East Lake: East Lake is good fishing
Paulina Lake: Paulina Lake Fishing Report