School of Rock is out for summer break
by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
When the School of Rock is out for summer break, it's time to fish Wallowa Lake...
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NEWPORT, Ore – ODFW marine biologists and fishery managers continue their work to decrease whale entanglements in crabbing gear with...... Read More
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, July 14th, 2022
• ODFW Recreation Report
Imnaha River: Trout fishing has been good in some portions of the Imnaha River
Umatilla River: Trout fishing on the Umatilla River
Walla Walla River: Fishing on the Walla Walla has been good in the past week
Wallowa Lake : Fishing can be good for rainbow trout near the south end of the lake
Wallowa River: Flows have been steadily dropping on the Wallowa River
Willow Creek Reservoir: Fishing has been good for both crappie and bass
Crooked River: Fly anglers report good fishing with dry-dropper setup
Davis Lake: The water level remains extremely low
East Lake: Anglers report good fishing for brown trout, rainbow trout and kokanee
Hood River: The Hood River is currently turbid due to glacial melt
Hosmer Lake: Initial reports have been of relatively slow fishing
Laurance Lake: Laurance Lake Fishing Report
North Twin Lake: Anglers report excellent fishing
Prinevile Reservoir: Trout fishing continues to be good
South Twin Lake: Anglers report excellent fishing
Wickiup Reservoir: Anglers should expect to see fewer kokanee in Wickiup Reservoir this year
Clackamas River: Clackamas River Report
Eagle Creek: Some steelhead are present
Gold Lake: Catch rates have been good
Green Peter Reservoir: This reservoir is still mostly full
Harriett Lake: Anglers report excellent fishing this past weekend
Henry Hagg Lake: Cappie fishing near the dam can be productive this time of year
Sandy River: Summer steelhead have arrived at the Sandy Hatchery
Siletz River: Summer steelhead fishing has picked up on the Siletz
Trask River: Spring Chinook fishing is still fair on the Trask
Wilson River: Summer steelhead are throughout the fishery
Diamond Lake: Mixed reports are coming from Diamond
Galesville Reservoir: Anglers are still catching some really nice trout in Galesville
Lemolo Lake: Trout fishing should be good at Lemolo
Rogue River - Middle: Middle Rogue River Report
Rogue River - Middle: As of July 6, 437 new summer steelhead entered the hatcher
Rogue River- Upper (Above Lost Creek): Trout stockings in the upper river started May 18
Ana Reservoir: There have not been any recent fishing reports
Chewaucan River: Flyfishing for redband trout was good last weekend
Gerber Reservoir: Targeting yellow perch continues to be your best bet
Heart Lake: Fishing has still been good for anglerstrolling lures
Holbrook Reservoir: Reservoir is drawing down
Lake Of The Woods: Lake of the Woods has been stocked heavily with trophy rainbow trout
Lofton Reservoir: This reservoir was stocked recently
Phillips Reservoir: The reservoir is currently 22 percent full and has begun to drop
Sprague River: Fishing is slow throughout the river
Thief Valley Reservoir: Fishing will probably be best before the reservoir drops too much
Wood River: Fishing for brown trout and redband trout should be good this week
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