The Crooked River is at 187 cfs and fishing just like normal

by The Fly Fishers Place
The Crooked River is at 187 cfs and fishing just like normal. There are afternoon and evening PMD and Mahogany Dun hatches and Caddis. It is hopper time over there so a hopper along the banks and in the riffles is a good idea. It also makes a great indicator running a nymph off the bend of the hook.
Nymphing is awesome right now, and a perdigon with a 2.8 or 3 mm bead is probably about right for most areas with the flow where it is. Split Case and 2 Bit Hookers to match PMD nymphs are great patterns now too.
I know so many of us are worried about the Crooked River, and we’ve heard the BOR is going to drop to the river to 10 cfs in August. That is a possible outcome, but it is also possible there is some language in the conservation plan that says 50 cfs is as low as it can go….
Let’s hope. I am learning more and more and will share more when I can.
In the near term, check out and maybe go to Prineville on Thursday July 21st at the Crooked River Elementary School for a meeting at 5:30 PM to discuss water in the Crooked River basin and what is being done to address shortages that are now staring all of us in the face as that area of the state experience exceptional drought.
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The Fly Fishers Place Reports
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